May 2017

Dear brothers and sisters in the USA, I greet you with the peace of the Lord!

I thank God for helping me to do His ministry in May preaching at church and participating at different outreaches held in parks and on sports stadiums. We thank God for the great opportunity we have this year, to organize outreaches in different public places.  We use this opportunity to the full so more people would be able to hear the Gospel and accept Jesus. I finished the discipleship lessons with the candidates to the baptism. We praise the Lord for the 19 people who will be baptized at the beginning of July this summer. With all the church we are preparing for this great holiday and want that more unsaved people would be present at this great holiday. We believe that God will work wonderfully at the people’s hearts. We are preparing for a Congress of the Baptist churches in Bukovina that will be on June 25. We will have guests from all over Ukraine. I have released two radio talk shows called “Spiritual Advice” in May. Also I have recorded two sermons for this radio. At Ascension our church went to relax near a lake not far from Chernauts, called Aqua Plus. Last year we did the baptism there too. We are glad that a young man decided his life for Jesus at the lake this year. 

We are doing preparations with the day camp for children that will be at our church during a week this summer. We plan to have around 300 children at the camp. We pray for this ministry.

Thank you for praying for us and supporting us financially. Please, continue to pray for us and for peace in Ukraine. We are looking forward to see you this summer and we pray for the PIEI camp that will be in July – August. May the Lord bless you with lots of grace and peace!

Best wishes, Postusak Grigory