I was glad to participate with my wife at the PIEI conference in Alba Iulia, Romania. It was a topic about creation taught by Dr. Terry. This topic is current because a lot of young people are attacked by the devil in many different ways through the Internet. We will translate the course into Ukrainian so we could continue to teach it to our youth. Thank you for your hospitality and for the wonderful fellowship at the conference.
In April we had a lot of outreaches at Easter held at church, in concert halls, on stadiums and in villages around Chernauts. There were beautiful services with wonderful praise and worship and strong sermons. We praise the Lord that many people accepted the Lord as their Savior. We pray for all of them.
I was on the radio at the weekly program “Spiritual Advice” and preached. I am glad that we get a lot of letters from the listeners.
We had two meetings at the Coffee House: one for young people and another for teens. We praise the Lord that many unsaved teenagers were present at the meeting for whom we pray to repent.
We started doing lessons with the youth who wish to get married and want to have a strong and a happy family.
Best regards, Pastushak Gregory