Thanksgiving day


We greet you with the love of the Lord Jesus Christ !!! May God strengthen you in faith, love, hope. By the grace of God, we continue to serve in the Church and to our neighbors.

1) In the House of Prayer we gather twice a week for edification and growth in the knowledge of the Lord God.

2) 11.10. Thanksgiving (Harvest) Day was celebrated in our Church in 2020. We invited friends of our Church from Chernivtsi and Novoselitsa. Our young people and children had a music program. Praised and thanked God. Also, young people from Chernivtsi praised God and two brothers had the Word for everyone present. After the Feast, we collected all the gifts (food) and distributed among the sick and needy from among the church members.

3) We received several boxes of food from a Christian mission. We distributed these boxes to families who had water in their gardens, where people could not harvest because of the floods. People were very grateful to us and God for the gift they received.


4) Also, by God's grace, Alla and another sister were able to teach Bible lessons at school to children from the 1st to the 4th grades, after the lesson each child received a gift from the mission "Samaritan's Bag". In the place with a gift, we also handed out children's spiritual literature. Teachers received New Testaments for themselves and for the Class Library. Parents, teachers and children were very grateful to us and to God for the gifts they received. We praise God that during the quarantine period He opens the doors for the preaching of the Gospel.

5) On this Sunday, Sunday school teachers organized a meeting for the children in the Church. 22 children could hear a Bible lesson on the topic "Jesus is the Lord God who leads everything." At the end of the meeting, the children also received gifts and spiritual literature. We thank God for this opportunity to minister to children and through children so that the Gospel will enter many homes.

Prayer requests:

-Pray with us for all the children and teachers who heard the Gospel at this time, so that the Lord would lead many to the salvation of Jesus Christ as his Savior and Lord.

- Pray for other opportunities to reach people with the Gospel.


Thank you for the support and help that you are constantly sending us for our ministry in Ukraine. God bless you.

With love, the Popov family.