Clothes for poor people


Peace and love of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you. We thank God and you for your help in serving the Church and your neighbors. Your spiritual and material support is needed especially at the present time.

1. We carry out the church service according to the usual schedule, continuing to build up the Church with the Word of God. We pray together for each other, we worship together God who loved us in His Son.

2. By visiting brothers and sisters from home, I have the opportunity to witness about Christ to people who are not saved live in the same house with them. They are very open to the gospel because they live in fear of death, illness, and without confidence in tomorrow. Together with the children, we recently handed out Gospel brochures to people in the market, people willingly took them. We pray for them that the seeds of the Word of God sown will bear the fruit of faith in Jesus and repentance before God.

3. We had great joy in the family and in the Church. Our second daughter Ruth made a Covenant with the Lord through Water Baptism. For us parents there is no greater joy that comes after the walking of our children in the light of the Word of God. We pray for Ruth that the Lord will confirm her in faith and dedication to Him.


4. Also, together with Alla, my wife, we visited a couple of families bringing them used things for children and adults. We also handed out things on the market to elderly people who cannot afford to buy them because of the small pension they receive. They thanked God and us for these things.

5. God helped us grow flowers and with these flowers we could decorate our town Novoselytsia. People are very happy with this beauty and thank us.

6. The other day Alla's grandmother and grandfather were with them, they are 91 and 93 years old, they live in the village of Zhilovka 40 minutes from Novoselitsa ... Grandma is a believer, but grandfather is not ... they are very old but God gave them life and what is interesting that they are still caring for themselves and planting a vegetable garden ... We thank God for them and pray that grandfather will know the Lord ...

7. Prayer Needs:

- pray for the Church to grow spiritually and in number.


- Pray for the Word that is sown in people, so that It brings faith and repentance.

- Pray for our family that the Lord will strengthen us in following Him in the truth of His Word. For mental and physical health.

8. Thanksgiving:

- Thank you for every blessing that we have received from you, as material in the form of sweets, medicines, finance.

- We also thank you for the spiritual for your prayers for your encouragement, concern for us and our ministry. We also pray for you and for your ministry.

Blessings to you from the Lord Our God. May God bless you more than you sacrifice. We are delighted to serve together the Lord Jesus and His Church.

With love to you, the Popov family.