Restoring the sequences of flood


We greet you with the Love of the Lord Jesus Christ !!! With God's grace, we can work in His Church, edifying the people of God and proclaiming the Truth about Him, to those who still do not know it.

1. Last month, we in the House of Prayer began to make small repairs in the hall where we are going. Thank God for this update !!! We had to be in the House of God every day during work. We thank God for Rubin Kioresko and Andrei Petihachny for being able to make this repair and renovate this room.


2. In Novoselitsa, people's houses and their gardens were also flooded. Brother Grisha Kioresko sent two families from Chernivtsi to us ... who showed a desire to help people clean up after the flood. Brothers and sisters from Chernivtsi also their children big and small came to us to help one set from our Church. Our family and another sister from the Church also joined these families and together went to the rescue. Brothers and young men cleaned the yard from the swamp, little boys and our Timofey repaired the furniture that was in the water, then washed the pool. The sisters washed and cleaned the whole house. The water in the house was up to one meter. I brought a pump from the house to pump water and pumped out all the water from the basement. A woman lives in this House who has repented and her husband is not a believer. They were very grateful to us and God for helping them. We brought them chemicals for cleaning the house of things ... These people from Chernivtsi brought water and washing powder. The next day, this sister, Galya, who suffered from a flood, said that her husband told everyone how believers helped them in this trouble. Praise God that His Name was glorified, and we could be witnesses to Him ...

3. The other day, God put our family in the heart to make a very pleasant surprise to several families who have adopted children. These are Five Families. We visited them and brought them flowers that we grow with God's help. And we helped plant them in their flower beds. Their children were very enthusiastic about the beauty that formed after planting flowers. We also brought something tasty to the children ... We talked with them and thanked God for each other ..

4. Prayer requests:

- that the government of Ukraine be God-fearing ... And if God wants it to stop all evil plans that are directed against the Church and the Family ...

- for the Church in Novoselitsa ... That every Christian should be closer to the Lord and be faithful to Him in everything.


- for our family ... So that we can always trust His promises and strive for His Holiness ... so that the children grow for His Glory.

- for all the people who suffered from the flood, so that they could turn to Him and go through these troubles without grumbling ...

I thank you for your spiritual, material support, thank God that you are with us and love us and serve our only Lord.

Bless you!

Sincerely, the Popov family🤗🤗🤗