The life of Church during quarantine


I greet you with the love of the Lord !!! May He be with you all until His Coming !!! We thank the Lord for this unique period during the quarantine.

God taught us at this time to trust Him even more without knowing what awaits us tomorrow.

1. The life of the Church is unusual from the past. To communicate with church members, we use social networks, we have a group in vibe. There we share our thoughts from the Word of God, write prayer needs, requests from the church, and others.


2. I invited our church members to visit their homes, some responded. We had a good fellowship around the Word of God, and I also suggested participating in the Lord’s evening.

3. We helped those people who were sick with entire families who could not go anywhere to buy food or medicine ... We went and brought food and medicine to these people's homes.

4. Also, we carried social packages in the Name of Jesus to some families who are poor. People thanked and praised God.

5. During quarantine, I invited every family in the church to pray at the same time every day at 19:00 and on Sundays at 10:00. Stay in fellowship, prayer, having one recommended scripture text.

6. In our family, we all read together in an organized manner with the children, prayed together, and sang together. These are unique moments when praise and worship of the Lord came from many homes of Christians.


7. God answered our prayers when we were sick, He heard us and gave us healing... When it was necessary to sell flowers, but were not able to sell on the market due to quarantine in order to have money for life ... God sent buyers home to us. Praise Him that He hears the righteous in times of distress.

8. Last Sunday, May 3, we gathered at the House of Prayer. There were about ten of us. They took part in the bread-breaking and rejoiced that Christ died for us and instead of us.

We constantly pray for you, those in the United States, that the Lord will strengthen in faith and hope and His love. We thank the Lord for you, that so far have been supported, encouragement in many ways, and an example for us, who serve the Lord in Ukraine.

May God reward you by repeatedly pouring out His Grace.

Prayer needs:

- Pray for the spiritual health of the Church.

- Pray for those who, at this time of frustration, could hear the gospel of Jesus Christ so that they would be saved.

- Pray for our families so that their hands will not fall, but be strengthened by hope in the Lord in all aspects of life.


With love to you, the Popov family.