Meeting of the children


I greet you with the love of the Lord. And may the peace of God always come with you. I thank the Lord for the religious freedom that we have in Ukraine.

1. God allowed in a place with another Church from the city of Novoselitsy to organize an evangelistic meeting for the villagers. I was invited to serve these people who were gathered in the central square. My family and I handed out calendars for 2020. And Christian brochures. I told them the word that Christ came to give them joy instead of sadness and the forgiveness of sins, and the victory over death.

2. In our church, a special meeting was organized with the participation of children from unbelieving families and believers. During the service, one girl named Diana, 9 years old, fell unconscious. She had signs of epilepsy, which had never happened before. We in the church began to pray over her ... We helped her ... So that she would not suffocate. They called an ambulance ... They brought the mother of this girl. Unbelieving parents ... They say they are atheists .. The church offered fasting and chain prayer. The girl was in intensive care for two days .. After a night prayer, the girl came to, but did not remember anything that happened to her. The church helped this family financially, by transport .... The eldest girl was taken to believers in her family while her mother was in the hospital with Diana. This older girl, Jan, thanked God that He had given health to his sister. Thank God that my mother acknowledged that God hears the prayers of believers and thanked and thanked the believers for the service that was given to her family ..

3. In the social. We learned the networks information that in the children's clinic in Novoselitsa. There are two children with mom. The boy is 10 months old and the girl is 3 years old. The social service took the children to the hospital because they found them in a house where the house is not heated and the mother was not at home, but there was an old grandmother ... The father of these children does not live with them and drinks alcohol ... The mother of these children also drinks alcohol. .. We spent them provided them with the necessary assistance.

4. The leaders of our fraternity in the region put my wife Alla, responsible for the children's and teenage ministry in the Novoselitsky district. A meeting is planned for all teachers of children's ministry.

Prayer requests:

1. pray for the family of Diana and Yana. For Christ to become the savior of their family. Mom’s name is Vera, dad’s Stepan.

2. Pray for people from Novoselitsa who have heard the good news throughout the month.

3. Pray for the children from both the hospital and her mother.

4. Pray for children's ministers for their spiritual growth and quality teaching for children.

Thank you for your help and prayers. God bless you.

With respect to you, the Popov family.