Teenage and youth meetings


Peace be with you, dear brothers and sisters!

We are glad to be with you in the ministry of the Church of the Lord Jesus.

1. In the Church of Novoselitsy three meetings were organized with children of their number 50. They listened to Bible lessons, sang songs, played games, talked, learned Bible verses, treated themselves to sweets. In the end, each child received spiritual children's literature. Also, everyone received a gift.

2. Then we did a teenage-youth meeting, there were 10 young people. This meeting was conducted by our son Eugene, the husband of our daughter Naomi. The topic was "Who is Your Friend." Young people learned that the best friend is Jesus and that you can communicate with Him, get to know Him, love Him.


Ruth and one guy Arkady from Tarasovtsy led worship songs. We pray for these young hearts to be faithful friends to God.

3.When visiting the sick at home, I have the opportunity to evangelize unbelievers in this house and tell them about God's mercy in Jesus Christ.

4. I worked with one brother in the House of Prayer. Steam or water heating was connected. We thank the Lord for helping us in this necessary work for the Church.

5. Together with our children, we prepared one hundred calendars with spiritual booklets for distribution to people during Christmas and New Year.

We pray that the Lord will speak through this literature to those people who will receive it.

6.With God's help, my wife Alla agreed with the director of the second school from Novoselitsa to organize a meeting with 240 children who can hear the Word of God and give them spiritual literature and gifts. We pray for this meeting so that it will take place for the Glory of God and spreading His Word.

7. On this Sunday, Alla invited the teachers of the Sunday schools of the district to watch a video of the seminar, how to serve children as effectively as possible. We thank God for the vision that gives every teacher in working with children.

We thank the Lord and you that you

in this difficult time, you support us spiritually and financially.

Please accept from our family the most sincere congratulations on Merry Christmas!

God bless you!

With love, the Popov family!