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Harvest day in our region

We greet you with the peace and love of our Jesus Christ, our dear brothers and sisters in Christ from the USA!

We praise and thank the Lord for His mercy over us and His protection in this difficult time of war for us. The war in Ukraine has been raging for 623 days now. And the children of God serve God even in this difficult time, helping other people in need, always praying before the Lord so that God will protect his children.

This month we and our church choir conducted three large evangelizations. And at these evangelizations there were many people listening to the Word of God.

1. We held the first evangelization with the choir in the church of the village of Balkovtsy, where together with this church we thanked God for the wonderful harvest this year. There were good sermons, songs of praise and poems where we praised the Lord for His mercy and Grace to us. At this evangelization there were unbelievers with whom we talked at the end of the meeting. Through our conversations we directed their eyes to Jesus Christ. He is our Advocate with God the Father and He is our Savior.

In this time of war, our hope is Christ, we cannot rely on anyone, but only on God, who will give us His peace and healing.

-We held the second evangelization in a church from the village of Podvirnoe, which is located near the border with Moldova. There, too, we organized a Day of Thanksgiving to the Lord for the fruits of the earth and for spiritual fruits. Fewer non-believers were present at this evangelization, but at the end of the evangelization these people remained to ask us questions. My brothers and I who were with me answered their questions. We pray that they understand the Word of God and that the Lord will test their hearts for repentance.


-We also held the third evangelization in Podvirnoye, where we held the funeral of a 62-year-old man, his name was Peter. This was the husband of sister Mary, for whom we constantly prayed and who wanted to be baptized. Her husband drank heavily and got sick because of it. We praise God that before his death he repented at the request of his daughter. Now sister Maria says that I will not delay baptism. I will accept it in the near future, if only the Lord helps me with this. There will be baptism in Chernivtsi at the beginning of December and we are already preparing sister Maria to make a covenant with the Lord Jesus Christ through water baptism.

There were many non-believers at this funeral, almost 50 people. The Word was preached in the Power of the Holy Spirit. I also preached about the Divinity of Christ from John. It was interesting to me that all the people who listened to the Word of God at home, all went to accompany the deceased to the cemetery and there they also listened to the Word of God carefully. A choir glorified God through psalms and poems. After the funeral we had fellowship with these people and invited them to our meetings. We pray for these people that the Lord will touch these hearts and give these people repentance.

3.Teaching at the Bible Institute:

-My students and I teach the book of St. Paul’s Epistle to the Romans in churches. This is a very useful and edifying book.

-In the church of the village of Nesvoya, I teach the book of Romans in order to establish the church in faith and in expectation of the Lord Jesus Christ, and when Christ comes, so that the church is ready to meet Him in the air.

4.News from Ukraine:

-On the South-Eastern side of Ukraine there are very fierce battles to liberate Ukraine from enemies.

-All the churches in our region have prayed and are praying for an end to this war. For peace in Ukraine. For peace in Israel.

-Our brother missionary Kioresko Gregory continues to bring humanitarian aid to the city of Gostomel, Kyiv region, and preaches the Word of God to the people there. People come and listen to the Word of God with love.


-We, the missionaries of the PIE Ukraine mission, are grateful to our brother-partners from the USA and Romania for helping us financially and spiritually to carry out this difficult service in Ukraine during this time of war.

-We thank God for the fact that we, together with all our missionaries of the PIE Ukraine mission, carry out this service: we help those in need, help refugees, sow the Word of God in season and out of season, we pray and encourage all people to pray. We are grateful to God that our region is calm and not bombed by enemy missiles. Therefore, God gives us these good conditions to serve people in our region - Glory to God!

6.Prayer needs:

-Pray for the War to end in Ukraine and Israel, if it is the will of the Lord.

-Pray with us for our brother in the Lord who was captured by enemies. His name is Sergei Sugu. He has a family at home, a wife and son. We help them financially with food, but they need our prayers. So that God would help free Sergei’s husband from captivity and so that he could come to the family.

-Pray that there will be no more missiles arriving in our region, and also that the arrival of shells will stop in those cities of Ukraine where they are often bombed with shells.

-Pray for those people who attended these evangelizations and listened to the Word of God. So that they repent. Pray for the villages of Balkovtsy and Podvirnoe. These are large villages, but very few people are being saved.

-Pray for our missionaries of the PIE Ukraine mission so that they do not get tired of doing good by helping people in need.

-Pray for my family too, that the Lord will give us health, wisdom and zeal to serve in God’s Vineyard.

We are very grateful to God for you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA, and we always pray for you that the Lord will bless you and give everyone a hundredfold blessing. Please accept the most sincere greetings from my family.

With love to you family PETIKHACHNYY PAVLO and LARYSA.