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Regional pastoral conference

Dear brothers and sisters, our evangelistic partners from the USA, we greet you with the love and peace of Jesus Christ!

We are very grateful to God for His mercy and support this month too. For 650 days now the war has been raging in Ukraine and we live by the grace of the Lord - Glory to Him for everything!

I am grateful to the Lord that this month God has given us success in preaching the Gospel.

1. I organized a pastoral conference with pastors of the Novoseletsky district and with pastors of the regional office of the ECB, Chernivtsi region. Lessons taught at this conference:

Pavel Petikhachny taught from the textbook on Kolosyan, and Brother Grigory Kioresko and the regional presbyter, Brother Manoliy Vasilyevich answered all the questions that the pastors of the regional churches asked them. They also had good edifying sermons for our pastors. One group sang at this meeting, that is, one Zhernovey family, brother Andrei and sister Mariyka. They praised God with blessed songs.

-And a week later we had another meeting - the Annual Meeting of missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission. At this meeting, all our missionaries reported for their work for the 4th quarter, 2023. At the same time, we prayed for their prayer needs, and also prayed for our partners from the United States who help us with everything we need, so that we have something to help displaced people, orphans and other people who need our help.

2. We held the breaking of bread in two churches and after the service in the church I visited many sick people with the breaking of bread both in the village of Nesvoya and in Chernivtsi we have sick members of our church.

-We also helped two patients with cancer. We went to their house and my wife cooked food for them, and I spoke to them the Word of God and prayed for them so that the Lord would have mercy on them.

-I visited one brother in the hospital. He ended up there after a stroke. I brought him food and prayed for him to get better. Thank God that he is already better and I visited him at home. They prayed together and he praised God for the healing.

3.Nursing ministry.

-November 6, our sisters had a day of fasting and prayer since this day is a worldwide sisterhood day of fasting and prayer on the topic: Breath of Life from Job 33:4. Our sisters prayed and thanked God for His protection during this war. Prayed for the ministry of all Evangelical Baptist sisters around the world. We prayed for this bloodshed to end both in Ukraine and Israel.

-On November 11, we had a regional conference of sisters from our entire region on the topic: Bridges to Hearts. The theme is about God's love. God's love unites all hearts. Thank God there was a blessed meeting, blessed sermons and heartfelt prayers where almost 600 sisters united to pray to God so that the Lord would bless our Ukraine. So that the Lord will deliver us from this war. We prayed for Israel so that the war would stop. We prayed that the Lord would bless the ministry of our churches in Ukraine. We praise God for the fact that through the service of our believing sisters the Name of our Lord is glorified. They prepare food for soldiers on the front line, feed orphans, and help widows and displaced people. They are in our churches and Marthas and Marys - Thank God for such sisters. The Lord will reward all those who serve Him zealously and with love.


-We are very grateful to God for the fact that not a single enemy missile from the missiles that are attacking our Ukraine hit our region, our Bukovina. This is the mercy of the Lord - Glory to Him for His protection.

-We thank the brothers from the USA for helping us with everything we need and our 2 missionary brothers regularly bring this help to broken cities, as well as where there are battles. And here we are helping all the refugees in Bukovina.

5.Prayer needs:

-Pray with us that this bloody war will end, where many children, young men, women and men are dying.

-Pray that the Lord will give us health and support so that we missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission do not get tired of helping those in need and so that we serve them.

-Pray for our 4 sisters who suffer from cancer (Emilia, Lydia, Tamara and Jeta) and for our brother George after a stroke. He is having a hard time recovering. So that the Lord would heal them and strengthen their faith.

-Pray for those unbelievers who heard the Word of God at our evangelizations, so that the Lord would test their hearts for repentance.

And we pray for you, brothers and sisters, our partners in evangelizing the Gospel here in Ukraine. May the Lord bless you and your families, your churches and your country USA. May the Peace and Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen!

With love to you family Petikhachniy Pavel and Larisa.