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Missionary service of the PIEI Ukraine mission for 2023

Missionary service of the PIEI Ukraine mission for 2023

This year, 2023, the PIEI Ukraine mission conducted the following ministry in Ukraine:

1.Baptism and repentance

-This year 2023, 25 souls were baptized and 85 repented in the churches of the PIEI Ukraine mission. Despite the war going on in Ukraine, the Holy Spirit encourages people to repent and make a covenant with God through water baptism.

2.Theological Institute

-Two of our missionaries teach at the theological institute. In 2023, the institute accepted 12 more students who passed the exams well, so that the institute has 42 students who are preparing to become ministers in churches in the Chernivtsi region.

3.Christian camps

-This year we organized one Non Stop camp in Boyany and 8 day camps for children and teenagers. 500 children studied in these camps, of which 50 repented, Glory to God!


4.Service with orphans

-The PIEI Ukraine mission was organized for orphans:

-one service at Christmas, when we gave gifts to 200 orphans and also taught them Christmas lessons.

-We also organized, in the month of May, a delicious breakfast and lunch for 250 orphans, organized games for them and conducted Bible lessons with them. We are also preparing to conduct lessons with orphans again at the end of this year and give them gifts. May the Lord help us in this matter.

5.Work with displaced people

-Twice a month, the missionaries of our mission help soldiers on the front line, and also help people who live in cities with houses destroyed by war. They help them all with the necessary humanitarian aid.

-In the city of Gostomel, Kyiv region, a Bible church was founded, where 220 people constantly gather. They are preached the Word and also given humanitarian aid.

- All our missionaries serve with love the immigrants who live in our region, and also help families whose husbands died in the war with everything they need.


6.Serving with children, teenagers and young people.

-Our Sunday school teachers from our churches constantly conduct Bible lessons with children and teenagers so that they grow in faith and are ready to be baptized next year.

-September 10, 2023, we elected brother pastor missionary from our mission PIEI Ukraine to be responsible for serving with children and teenagers in the Novoseltsy district.


7.Radio ministry

-One brother, a missionary from our mission, constantly prepares radio broadcasts for people from Bukovina. After these programs, very good reviews come, and there are many repentances.


8.Ministry of the Sisters

-This year, a sister came to us from the USA who gave eyepieces to people. In the beginning, pastor brothers from the USA evangelized people, and then these people received eyepieces. When this service was held, among these people there were people who repented.

-Bible lessons were held in churches with our sisters so that they would not get tired of helping orphans, immigrants, widows and the sick.

-Our sisters constantly pray, organize prayer meetings of sisters, had a 3-day camp for widows this summer, the sisters also prepare food for the soldiers who defend Ukraine and transport this food to combat zones.

9.Prayer needs:

-Pray for peace in Ukraine.

-Pray for our missionaries from the PIEI Ukraine mission that God will protect us, our families and our churches from all evil during this difficult time for us in Ukraine.

-Pray for those 50 teenagers who repented at the camp in Boyany this summer. Already 2 of them have received water baptism, but we pray to God that He would convince the rest so that they would grow in faith, and they too would take such a step.

-Pray for those who have heard the Word through the ministry with glasses, that the Holy Spirit will awaken them to repentance.

-Pray for the radio ministry that these programs will make many more people want to listen to the Word of God and repent.

-Pray for those new 12 students who have entered the Bible Institute that they will become good ministers.

-Pray for the camps that the PIEI Ukraine mission will conduct in 2024. So that through these camps many teenagers will come to know God.


-We thank God for the mission of PIEI America, and Romania for the fact that they greatly help our country with everything necessary. And with this help we help other people in need.