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Difficult places in the Bible

Dear brothers and sisters from the USA, we greet you with the love and peace of Jesus Christ.

I am grateful to God for protecting us and our Bukovina from the arrival of missiles, suicide bombers and drones. Thank God that we still have a peaceful sky, although we are very afraid, because everywhere, in other regions of Ukraine, rockets are flying and destroying everything, innocent people are dying. Last night a rocket arrived in the village of Groza, Kharkov region. 51 people were killed, including children. The Kherson region, Nikolaev region, and Odessa region are also being bombed. We constantly pray about this, so that the Lord will help protect people from these cities and villages from the arrival of these missiles. Only the Lord can help us to stop this terrible war.


-On October 1, the Lord helped me to break bread in our church and in the church in the village of Balkovtsy. We had a blessed meeting and at the end of this service we had the joy that one man about 70 years old repented. We have been praying for him for a long time, his name is Paul. Glory to God! We pray that the Lord strengthens his faith.

The Lord also helped me visit 5 sick people at home who joyfully received Holy Communion because the Lord also gave them the opportunity to remember the death and suffering of Jesus Christ. We also visited Sister Jeta, my brother’s wife, who is suffering from cancer and for whom we pray. Thank God, she stopped having severe bone pain that was simply unbearable for her to endure. She continues to undergo treatment, but she is already feeling a little better, for which she is very grateful to God and those who pray for her.

2.Bible Institute

-I conducted a session at the Bible Institute with 25 students: “Difficult places in the Bible.” This includes the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Together with them we went through 12 lessons, each of which is stronger than the other. I am very glad that all students are making every effort to understand this truth.

-At the end of the lesson, we prayed for each other so that each of us would be freed from the obstacles that prevent us from studying the Bible, and pass it on to others. These students are from different regions of Ukraine who want to prepare new students for the crying Ukraine.

-We donate a lot to people from Ukraine, but the greatest consolation is the Love of Jesus Christ and His Living Word.

3. Also, our missionary brothers from our mission help refugees who live among us, and brother missionary Gregory Kioresko brings food and everything necessary for living to the city of Gostomel, Kiev region. The Church of Christ was formed there and at these meetings there are always more than 200 people who need this help and also come to listen to the Word of God. We pray for such people so that they accept Christ as a Personal Savior. Also br. missionary Popov Valery works in his church, from Novoselitsa, with refugees. He gives them produce and everything they need, and they study the Word of God together. The good news is that there are many among the refugees who have repented and regularly attend church services.

4. On Sunday, October 8, we must go to church from Podvirna, where there is a small church. They invited us to celebrate the Harvest holiday together - Thanksgiving. People from the village were invited to this evangelization. We pray that everything goes well and that people respond to the invitation.

-We are also organizing evangelization in another small church on October 15, in Balkovtsy. There will also be evangelization in connection with the Thanksgiving holiday.


-We thank the Lord for the fact that it is still quiet and calm here and there are no missiles arriving. Therefore, we can calmly serve the Lord here.

-We always thank God for you, for your prayerful support, for your help, through which we can continue to support and help people who are in material need.

6.Prayer needs:

-Pray with us for the war in Ukraine to end.

-So that the Lord protects us and all people from Ukraine from missile attacks, because so many people and children die because of these missiles.

- Pray that all the people who heard the Word of God at our evangelizations would repent.

-Pray also for the two evangelizations that we will have in Podvirnoe and Balkovtsy. So that all those who were invited would come. And so that the Holy Spirit awakens people to repentance through sermons or through songs of praise.

-Pray for me too, that the Lord will bless me and give me health, strength and wisdom from above to serve the Lord.

And we very much thank the Lord for you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA - our partners in evangelism here in Ukraine. We always pray for you that the Lord will bless you, your families, your churches and your country USA. May you always have a peaceful sky and may the peace of God be in your country.

With love to you family Pavel and Larysa Petikhachnyy.