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Thanksgiving Day

We greet you brothers and sisters from the USA with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ!

I am grateful to God for His mercy towards us, for the fact that He protects us and helps us in our ministry here in Ukraine, although this difficult war has been going on in Ukraine for more than 600 days. But thank God that these enemy missiles are not coming to us, although missiles arrived 100 km from us in the Khmelnitsky region and 250 km in Lviv this week. There was great destruction and people were injured. Also, rockets are bombing Kyiv all the time. We pray for all the people who are going through these trials, that the Lord will protect everyone from these drones and missiles.

1. September 17, the Lord helped us celebrate Thanksgiving Day. Together with the church, we thanked God for all the blessings, for the bread, for the wonderful vegetables and fruits that He blessed us with this year. Thank God that we have enough food, and we can also help other people who are in need. We had a blessed evangelistic meeting where everyone, from the least to the greatest, glorified God and thanked Him for His mercy and kindness to us. Blessed psalms, poems, and sermons inspired by the Holy Spirit were also heard, Glory to God. There were also 5 souls at this evangelization who have been attending our services all summer. We pray for them that they will repent.

Also at the end of the meeting, we took all the gifts of earth that had gathered that day to the sick and poor. These people thanked God for these wonderful blessings.

2. On September 10, we had a meeting of all leaders of children’s and youth ministries in churches in the Novoselitsky district. There was a re-election of the leader for children's and adolescent ministry in this area and unanimously everyone chose our brother, pastor missionary Igor Dzyadik. Let us pray for the ministry of Brother Igor.

3. Also this week, the ministry committee for sisters had a meeting where they discussed and prayed for the ministry of all our sisters from the Chernivtsi region. We discussed how to better organize a regional sister conference from November 11, how to organize prayer on the first Monday of November, when there will be a world day of fasting and prayer for sisters. Thank God it was a blessed meeting. May the Lord help all the sisters of our region in this wonderful service for the Lord, and may the Lord hear all the prayers of our prayer sisters.

4. God helped me teach a group of students lessons from textbook No. 4, Revelation of John the Theologian. We pray that these students have the desire to continue these lessons.


-We never tire of thanking the Lord for the fact that He protects our region where we live from missile attacks and we can serve Him here calmly.

-We thank the Lord for you, brothers and sisters from the USA, our partners in evangelism here in Ukraine, for helping us and supporting us here in our ministry for God.

-Thank you for praying for the team of brother pastor missionary Kioresko Gregory, who arrived from Gostomel safely, and today they went there again to bring food to people and also to proclaim the Word of God to 250 people.

-We thank God for our daily bread and for the wonderful harvest of products with which the Lord blessed us this fall, so that we, in turn, also bless poor people.

6.Prayer needs:

-Pray with us for God’s continued protection of our Bukovina from the arrival of enemy missiles and drones. For this terrible war to end.

-Continue to pray for Lyudmila and Maria, who want to be baptized but have obstacles from their unbelieving husbands. Pray for this need too.

-Continue to pray for our volunteers who bring humanitarian aid to people in need in Gostomel, and in other cities of Ukraine that are in places of hostilities. So that God’s protection would always be with them, and the Word of God would be preached there in the Power of the Holy Spirit, so that many more people would accept Jesus Christ as a Personal Savior in their hearts.

-Pray for the ministry of our sisters.

-Pray for the ministry of our leaders with children and teenagers in our schools.

-Pray for my family, that the Lord will give us health to serve in God’s Vineyard.

We also pray for you brothers and sisters from the USA, that the Lord will bless you, your families, your churches and your country USA. May the Lord return and reward you with a hundredfold blessing!

With love to you family PETIKHACHNYY PAVLO and LARYSA.