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Regional meeting

Dear brothers and sisters, our evangelistic partners from the United States, we greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I am grateful to God that our region is still peaceful and calm against the backdrop of this terrible war. Although sirens sound every day, so far we have not had any missiles arrive. For this reason, in other cities there are missiles flying into residential buildings and in central markets where civilians walk. So on September 6, a rocket fell on a market from Konstantinovka, Donetsk region, resulting in 17 dead (among them children) and 34 wounded. This is terrible. On September 8, at night, they hit Krivoy Rog and Summy. Again, many civilians were hurt. We pray that this horror ends soon in our Ukraine.

I am grateful to the Lord that the month of August was a blessed month for my ministry, because God gave me success in this ministry.


-At the beginning of August, I was invited to the church from Kotileve, where 4 souls were baptized, and on September 3, I was invited to the church in the village of Rokitne, where the pastor, our missionary, brother Kioresko Gregory, serves, and where 3 souls were baptized, one young guy and Two women. There were many people from the world at this evangelistic meeting, since our sisters had recently repented and had unbelieving children in their families. And one sister, her name is Natasha, she is one of the migrants. She repented here and wanted to be baptized. Many of these non-believers promised to come to church. They really enjoyed listening to the Word of God. I preached the Word of God before the breaking of bread.

-In the near future, 2 souls will be baptized in our church in Nesvoya. We pray for them. These are two women whose husbands are unbelievers. And they have big problems because of their husbands. But we believe that God solves all our problems. So everything will be fine for our sisters, Lyudmila and Maria.

2. Regional meeting of church ministers in the Chernivtsi region:

-From August 29 to 31, there was a regional meeting of ministers of the ECB church of our region, with their spouses, in Boyany. I put a lot of effort into organizing this meeting with the ministers. There were many ministers from the Novoselitsky district, thank God, because this area is close and they came through the fields directly to Boyany. There were also many ministers of the ECB Church from other areas of our region. We had a blessed three-day meeting with ministering brothers and their wives.

The main sermon was delivered by Brother Antonyuk Valeriy, Bishop of the ECB Church of all Ukraine, on the topic: Blind spots in the ministry of church ministers.

3. Re-election of a new director of children’s and youth ministry:

-On Sunday, September 10, we have a meeting for all leaders of children’s and youth ministries, ECB churches of the Novoseletsky district. There will be a re-election of a new leadership leader in ministry with children and teenagers in churches in our area. One of the candidates for this ministry is brother pastor missionary Igor Dzyadyk. We pray that he will be chosen for this ministry.

4.Evangelism in other churches:

-Organized an evangelization meeting in Balkovtsy. There weren’t many people at this evangelization, but we believe that at the next evangelization the Lord will help us organize better so that more people come to listen to the Word of God.


-We thank God for you, those who serve with us, pray for us and help us financially. In this way we have success in the gospel.

-We are grateful to God for helping us organize such a wonderful camp in Boyany where 150 teenagers and young men studied the Word, and 2 of them received water baptism. We pray for all those 50 souls who repented in the camp, that the Lord would strengthen them in faith and that they too would enter into a covenant with God through water baptism.

-We are grateful to God for peace and tranquility in Bukovina and we can still work fruitfully in the Lord’s Field.

6.Prayer needs:

-Pray for those souls who were baptized this summer, and for those who have not yet been baptized. So that the Lord strengthens them all in faith. Pray for our two sisters from my church who want to be baptized but are blocked by their unbelieving husbands (their names are Sister Lyudmila and Sister Maria).

-Pray for those who repented in our camp so that their desire to study the Word of God does not go away.

-Pray for serving our mission among young people, teenagers and children. So that many of them will be kindled to serve Christ.

-Pray for brother missionary pastor Grigory Kioresko and his team who are now in Gostomel, Kyiv region. They are bringing humanitarian aid, and will also preach to these people about the love of Christ. So that the Lord will always preserve them, on these volunteer roads in cities that are located near the combat zone.

-Pray for all our missionaries who help the displaced people who live among us here, and also proclaim the Word of God to them. So that there is repentance among these migrants.

- Pray for an end to this terrible war in Ukraine. So that peace can finally come to Ukraine.

- So that there are no missiles arriving either in our region, where we live, or in other regions of Ukraine. This war brought us many victims, people and children.

We also pray for you, brothers and sisters from the USA - our partners in the gospel here in Ukraine. We thank you for everything you do for us and pray that the Lord will return a hundredfold blessing to you, your families, your churches and your country. Be blessed!

With love to you family PETIKHACHNYY PAVEL and LARYSA.