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PIE meeting

We greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ, dear brothers and sisters from the PIEI USA mission - our partners in evangelism here in Ukraine!

I thank God for peace and tranquility in our region, where we live, in this difficult time of the war in Ukraine. For 542 days this war has been raging, rockets have been flying to our cities and villages and destroying houses, killing civilians and children. This week, one rocket fell 50 km from Chernivtsi, our city. This is in Kolomyia, Ivano-Frankivsk region. The 8-year-old boy could not be saved by the doctors. What a pity! But how many children and people in other cities suffered. Only God can stop this terrible war. Only God can protect us from these horrors.

1. We are grateful to God that after that we saw off our guests from the USA, then we were able to gather with our missionaries and summed up our work with the camps this summer, discussed all the pluses and minuses of our ministries. We prayed and thanked God for the protection of us, our guests from the USA and also our children in these camps. They thanked for the Holy Spirit who led these ministries and prompted people to repentance - Praise God! We also prayed for each other so that the Lord would continue to protect us from all evil and guide the Holy Spirit and further our ministry here, where we are.

2. I had the opportunity to visit a church from the village of Kotileve on August 6, where the pastor is our brother missionary Igor Dzyadik. 4 people were baptized by him. One family is Valentina and Fyodor, a woman Lisa and a girl Suzanna, who repented in our camp. Thank God there was a blessed evangelistic meeting, where there were many people from unbelievers and heard the Word of God. The choir from Chernivtsi glorified God through beautiful singing and poetry. There were blessed sermons. We pray that the Holy Spirit will work on the hearts of people who have not yet accepted the Lord in their hearts. After the service, we had a table of love where everyone communicated together, thanked and glorified the Lord for His gifts and for His mercy to us.

3. I also had the opportunity to visit the village of Zhilovka where they had the funeral of a young woman. She was only 47 years old. There were a lot of unbelieving people, at this funeral the Word of God was preached in the power of the Holy Spirit. We pray that this Word will touch the hearts of these people and that they will repent before it is too late.

4. Thanksgiving:

We thank the Lord for His mercy on us. For the fact that we are still quiet and peaceful and we can serve the Lord calmly.

- We thank you brothers and sisters from the USA for your prayers for us and for Ukraine, for your material support. May God bless you a hundredfold.

3. Prayer needs:

-Pray with us for peace to come to Ukraine. We hope in God that only He can stop this terrible war.

-Pray for our church from Nesvoi. We have a baptism at the beginning of the month of September. There are 4 souls who want to be baptized. We pray for them that God will strengthen their faith. And so that it was peaceful and there were no arrivals of enemy missiles.

-Pray for my family so that the Lord strengthens our health, so that my wife and I can serve the Lord zealously and with love.

And we pray for you, brothers and sisters, that the Lord bless you, your families, your churches, and your country USA. Please accept my heartfelt Christian greetings from my family. Be blessed, our dear brothers and sisters from the USA, our partners in evangelism here in Ukraine!

With love to you, the Petikhachnyy Pavlo and Larysa family.