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Attending sick

We greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ dear brothers and sisters from the USA - our partners in evangelism here in Ukraine!

I am grateful to God that He helped me this month to go through such circumstances that were for success in the gospel.

1. In the church from the village of Nesvoi, where I am a pastor, we

they collected social assistance and money to buy everything necessary for people who suffered as a result of the accident at the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station, in the Kherson region. There was a terrible flood and people suffered greatly. These food and drinking water, our brother pastor, missionary Kyoresko Grigory and his team, as well as another team from Transcarpathia with buses, went to Kherson to distribute to people who are waiting for help from us. This social assistance was collected by many churches from the Chernivtsi region. People there they praised God and thanked our brothers with tears in their eyes.

2. I conducted Bible lessons from the Gospel of Mark with our church and with two neighboring churches of Balkovtsy and Podvirne. I also held communion with these churches.

-After these lessons, I visited the sick from these villages and preached to them the Word of God to the sick, as well as to those who live in their homes.

3. I visited, together with my wife Larisa, a church from the village of Malinovka. There I preached about the Sermon on the Mount of Jesus Christ. Larisa sang a couple of psalms and the church was very encouraged. After the service they invited us to visit them more often.

4.News from Ukraine:

-All Christian churches from the Chernivtsi region collect social assistance for people from the Kherson region, where many settlements were flooded. Every week our brothers go there in buses with food and drinking water.

-In Ukraine, the war continues. For 490 days this terrible war has been going on, which kills people and children every day. Every day and night, rockets arrive on our cities and villages. Yesterday a rocket hit a residential building in the city of Kramatorsk. Under the rubble of the house, 11 dead people were found. It is very scary and painful, but this is a war. There are so many destroyed houses, but it hurts us a lot that people are dying. Houses will be built more, but you will not return people's lives.

-All our churches, from our region, are now fasting and praying for the war to stop, for the arrivals of these missiles that bring destruction and death among peaceful people to stop.

5. Thanksgiving:

-We are grateful to God for the fact that in our region it is calm and there are no such arrivals of rockets. It's just God's mercy on us. And we can serve God by helping other people who are in trouble, thank God!

-We always thank God for you, brothers and sisters from the USA, for praying for us and for Ukraine and for supporting us financially and we help further where help is needed. And people really need our help now.

-We thank God for the fact that through helping people financially, we have the opportunity to preach the gospel among these people.

6. Prayer requests:

-Pray, together with us, for our missionaries of the PIEI UKR mission who are working hard in the field of God in this difficult time for us, so that they do not get tired and get sick doing these good deeds. For the Lord to protect them and guard them, their families and their churches.

-Keep praying for this terrible war to end.

-Pray for our PIEI UKR mission camp from 24 to 29 July. Pray for our leaders, for our teachers, for the children and teenagers who will be in this camp. So that the Lord protects everyone and protects from all evil. So that there are no missiles coming at us.

-Pray that the Lord will bless the Word of God that will be preached to the children, so that the sown Seed of Truth in the camp will bear fruit of repentance among children and teenagers.

-Pray for a team of brothers and sisters from the USA who will come to us in Ukraine, led by brother Cornel Stef, and will work both in our camp and outside the camp. May the Lord bless their journey and stay among us. And also on the way back home, so that always and everywhere there was the protection of the Lord over them.

-On Sunday, July 2, we are again gathering with our leaders to work on our camp program. Pray for us that the Lord will help us organize everything well, because our time is not very easy, but we want us to do everything in the best way, as for the Lord. We believe that the Lord will be with us and that He will help us in everything in this ministry.

And we pray for you brothers and sisters from the USA. And we are very grateful to the Lord for having you. We pray that God will bless you abundantly, and your families, and your churches, and your country USA!

With love to you, the PETIKHACHNYY PAVEL and LARYSA family.