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We had a blessed camp

Praise God for a blessed camp!

Dear brothers and sisters, our evangelism partners in the USA, we greet you with the love and peace of Jesus Christ!

A week has already passed, and since we wrote to you about our Christian camp Candela, from July 24 to July 29, in Boyany, at the end of this week is over.

There were 150 children and teenagers, leaders and teachers, there were our friends from the USA, a team of 9 people. We all had a wonderful week at this wonderful camp. Students learned the Word of God every day and still had the opportunity to make friends with each other, play sports, swim, have blessed evenings around the Word of God and, together with the worship group, praise our Lord. And at the end of the week, Friday night, the Holy Spirit called these teenagers to repentance. And thank God for the fact that more than 50 teenagers and children heard the voice of the Holy Spirit and accepted Christ in their hearts.

We want to thank the Lord from the bottom of our hearts for His mercy and grace to us, for the fact that these days it was calm and not a single rocket flew at us. We praise God for the fact that He heard both your prayers and our prayers, and protected us from all evil. Praise God for the fruits of repentance among children and teenagers. In the next news we will write you the testimonies of these teenagers and children who repented.

We thank you brothers and sisters for your prayers and for sponsoring this camp. May the Lord return a hundredfold blessings to those who donated money for our camp.

We are grateful to God for the fact that He protected the team from the USA and they, who are among us, worked fruitfully for the Lord.

Keep praying for peace in Ukraine.

-Pray further that the team of 9 people from the USA, led by Brother Cornel Stef, who is the president of the PIEI mission, will return home safely. They go on Tuesday, August 2 to the USA.

-Pray for those teenagers and children from the camp who repented, that the Lord would strengthen their faith, so that they would serve the Lord all their lives.

We wish you abundant blessings from the Lord. We love you and pray for you.

With love to you, the PETIKHACHNYY PAVLO and LARYSA family.