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Preparation for a camp

Dear brothers and sisters from the USA, our partners in evangelism in Ukraine, we greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ!

1.Today, June 15, we are writing our two-week report of our work done in ministry in God's Vineyard for the gospel of the Word of God in our area. I am grateful to our God that He supports us here and protects us from all evil. For a peaceful sky above us and for health. Although we have added even more work in ministries for people. Today is already 477 days since this war began, and last week the enemies broke through the dam of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station in the Kherson region across the Dnieper River. More than 80 settlements were under water. The water flooded everything and a lot of people and children died. This is a massive environmental disaster. Thank God that at least a few people managed to escape and take them to a safe place. And those who did not have the opportunity to climb on the roofs, especially the elderly or paralyzed, could not be saved. We do not even know the number of drowned people in this disaster, not to mention animals and birds. Even fresh graves from cemeteries were carried away by water into the sea. Now the water is receding a little and it is very dangerous there because some kind of epidemic or cholera may break out. Therefore, our Christian churches collect money for the population who find themselves in this terrible situation. There is a great need for drinking water. And our brothers carry drinking water there for those people. We pray for these people and for those volunteers who bring water, food and clothing to people, as well as mattresses, pillows and blankets. We pray for those people who have been saved, so that through these merciful deeds they will see the light of Christ and accept God in their hearts.

On June 2, 11, we gathered with our leaders in a church from the village of Kotileve, where our pastor, brother Igor Dzyadik, is a missionary. We were 22 leaders and we organized a program for our camp in Boyany from 24 to 29 July. We also prayed that the Lord would help us in organizing and holding this camp. We have created our website for all our leaders and we always get together online to discuss all the issues that arise. We also study the Word of God at these meetings and pray.

3. In the afternoon I visited the church from the village of Rokytne, where our pastor is our missionary brother Gregory Kioresko. My sermon was about the love of our Lord Jesus Christ. About the fact that without love we can do nothing and nobody. Our deeds are done without love, it's just a ringing brass or a cymbal sounding.

After the meeting, I had a meeting with the brothers of this church and I encouraged them to serve God.

3. At the beginning of the month, he held communions in 3 churches: in Nesvoi, in Balkovtsy and in Podvirna. On this Sunday, we also celebrated the feast of the Holy Trinity "Descent of the Holy Spirit", the creation of the Church of Christ. At this evangelism there were many people from the world who were listening to the Word of God. We pray for them. Also visited 2 sick people from the church with the communion. They rejoiced greatly and glorified Christ through their prayers.

4.News from Ukraine:

- We wrote at the beginning of this report about the explosion of the dam of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station, which is located in the Kherson region, and this brought great misfortune to both people and the environment. We try to help these people in any way we can and pray hard for them. We are gathering everything we need and soon our brother missionary Kioresko Grigory and another team of brothers will go there to deliver humanitarian aid in those places where people are in great need of it. They need drinking water, food, clothes, and shoes. We pray that the Lord will bless the brothers on this difficult journey and protect them from all evil.

- In Ukraine, our cities are bombed every day. Krivoy Rog has been bombed for 3 days in a row. They destroyed a residential multi-storey building and again many people died and many were injured, and the enterprises of the city are being destroyed. They also bomb Kyiv, Kharkov, Kherson, Zaporozhye and other small towns. And night and day sirens are buzzing and we only pray that the Lord will protect people from bombing in their cities and villages. We pray for these people who live in danger zones so that the Lord will protect them from death.

5. Thanksgiving:

-We are very grateful to you, brothers and sisters from the USA and from Romania, for your support, both prayerful and material. Thank you for the food and clothes from you, which we received through brothers from Romania and from England. We can continue to help others in need of this help.

We are grateful to God for the fact that we are still quiet and calm during this terrible time of war in Ukraine, and we can serve God by helping people who need our help.

6. Prayer requests:

-Pray with us for an end to the war in Ukraine.

-Pray for the people who suffered this disaster in the Kherson region through the flooding of their homes and the loss of their loved ones.

-Pray that we can help them and that we can preach the Word of God there too.

-Pray for our camp, for our leaders and for the team that will come from the USA, led by brother Cornel Stef. May the Lord protect and protect everyone. And that during their stay we did not have any bombings.

We believe that the Lord will protect everyone who will be in our camp and the Name of the Lord will be glorified through many teenagers who will accept Christ in their hearts.

And we pray for you, brothers and sisters from the USA. We pray that the Lord will bless you abundantly.

With love to you family PETIKHACHNYY Pavel and Larisa.