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Humanitarian aid from Romania

Dear brothers and sisters from the USA, we greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ!

We thank God for His constant protection and mercy to us during this difficult time of the war in Ukraine. For more than 460 days this war has been going on and so many people are being killed, both young and old and children. So many crippled people and destinies! Only God can stop this war and bring His peace. We all hope in our Lord, in His mercy and in His protection.

1. Humanitarian aid from Romania.

-Thank God for the fact that on May 26 2 brothers from Romania arrived: brother Timofey Stanya and brother Benjamin. Also 2 brothers from England arrived: Emmil and Arnold. They came to us and brought humanitarian aid for the needy and refugees in Ukraine, who have lost their homes and do not have water, gas or electricity in the places where they now live. And they don't have daily food.

-On May 26, these brothers came to us in Chernivtsi, and after dinner Emmil and Arnold from England had the opportunity to have an interview on the radio, and then, in the evening, they had a meeting with the teachers of the Bible Institute. Also a meeting with the youth pastor in the Chernivtsi region. They had a friendly conversation and planned how to further cooperate together.

-On Saturday, May 27, brothers from England and brothers from Romania had a meeting with missionaries from the PIEI Ukraine mission and with their wives. They had the good and edifying Word of God for all of us.

-After the break, brother Timothy Stanya had the Word for the sisters, the wives of our missionaries, separately, and our sisters were very encouraged to continue to serve zealously in the Field of God next to their husbands. All the sisters said later: - This Word was just for us - Thank God!

-After dinner, our brothers from England stayed to speak to the refugees in the Emmanuel Church in Novoselitsa, and in the evening they preached to the church from the village of Rokytne.

And the brothers from Romania, after dinner, went to preach in the church from the village of Nesvoia. All the brothers had encouraging sermons and all praised God for helping our guests to come to us to support and encourage us with the Word of God.

- Sunday, May 27, the brothers from England spoke to many migrants and at the same time helped them with social packages. The settlers were very pleased to listen to the Word of God, and also for social assistance.

-After dinner at 4 o'clock, in the church premises, Emmanuel, Arnold and Emmil had a meeting with the youth of the Novoselitsky district, where again the youth were encouraged by the Word of the Lord through the sermons of the brothers.

-Brothers from Romania Timothy and Veniamin, on Sunday, preached in two churches: in the morning in Dynivtsy, and in the afternoon in Kotilevo. Praise God, these brothers delivered very powerful sermons.

-May 28, the Petikhachny family, brother Pavel and sister Larisa, accompanied our guest brothers from England and Romania to the border with Romania and they returned safely to their countries -Thank God!

2. Thanksgiving:

-We are very grateful to God for the time spent with our brothers, guests from Romania and from England, for the fact that God protected all of them, and us, and we all worked fruitfully in God's Vineyard. Thank God for the fact that there were no arrivals of missiles and drones in our area, although the sirens sounded both night and day.

-We thank you all for your prayers for peace and for your prayers for the brothers from England and from Romania.

- We thank all those who helped our brothers to buy various products and other supplies for refugees and the needy, and they were able to bring all this to us.

-We thank the Midwest Bible Church for the packages of warm clothes for those in need. We will try to distribute them to those people who need it. Thank God that these packages have already been delivered.

3. Prayer needs:

-Pray with us that this war in Ukraine will end.

-Pray that there will be no further arrivals of cruise missiles, drones to us.

-Pray that the Word that our brothers preached during these 3 days in Ukraine, so that it touches many hearts and bears the fruit of repentance.

-Pray for our Christian youth camp in Boyana, for the leadership team, for the teachers, for the children who will come to the camp.

-For the fact that it was calm and peaceful with us at this time. May the protection of our Lord be with us.

-Pray for the team that will come from the US with the family of Steph Cornell and Gabi. So that the Lord protects them from all evil and they safely arrive and stay in Ukraine, and also safely return to their homes.

-Pray for our missionaries and their families, so that the Lord will help us to serve here.

-Pray for me and my wife so that God strengthens our health, so that we zealously serve God here.

And we pray for you all brothers and sisters from the USA. May the Lord bless your ministry and your work in the Field of God. May the Lord bless your families, your churches and your country. We love you and always thank God for you. Please accept sincere Christian greetings from my family.

With love to you, the PETIKHACHNYY PAVEL and LARISA family.