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Help for needy

Greetings, brothers and sisters from the USA, with the love and peace of Jesus Christ!

We are grateful to God for His support and protection this month as well. Already 450 days have passed since the start of a full-scale war in Ukraine, and we, all the churches of Christ, are in prayer and fasting for peace in Ukraine. Yesterday, on Wednesday, a rocket hit a prayer house in the Zaporozhye region. There our brothers held humanitarian aid for those in need. This house of prayer has already been bombed twice. This is the village of Orekhovo, in the Zaporozhye region in the South of Ukraine. We pray for all our brothers and sisters who are in danger.

This month, the Lord has helped me to do a ministry for God, in many churches, for orphans and for migrants.

1. Ministry with orphans:

-As we wrote to you last time, we ministered to 200 orphans, where we fed them all day and conducted Bible lessons with them.

- And in the following days we brought food to orphans from the village of Orshivtsi, which is located near Chernivtsi.

- We also brought them clothes, suits, hats, brushes and toothpaste. We also conducted Bible lessons and games for children with them. They were very grateful that the Lord does not forget them and through believers visits them in their boarding schools. We pray for orphans.

2.Serving soldiers:

- We also helped 50 soldiers who are in a psychiatric hospital in Chernivtsi. We brought them food, also toothpaste and brushes, socks and other needs. We did mini-evangelizations with them. They listened attentively to the Word of God and prayed together with our brothers.

Thank God that they have a desire to listen to the Word of God. We pray for these soldiers that the Lord heals their soul and body.

3. Breaking bread:

He held bread service in churches: in the village of Nesvoi, in Balkovtsy and in Podvirnoye.

-After the communion in the church, I visited the sick and helped them with the help they needed.

-They ask with tears of gratitude in their eyes that we visit them more often and that we pray for them.

4. Bible lessons:

-In three churches I conducted lessons from the textbook Romans (first part), on the topic:

"All have sinned and come short of the glory of God."

-If everyone has sinned, then everyone needs reconciliation with Jesus Christ.

5. Thanksgiving:

-We are grateful, and all orphans thank you for your help. They are very satisfied and happy.

- 50 soldiers say thank you, who are being treated in a psychiatric hospital for rehabilitation, for the help provided.

- And we, the missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission, are grateful to you, brothers and sisters from the USA, for the fact that through your help we can help those in need here in Ukraine.

-We are grateful to God that we do not yet have arrivals of enemy missiles, although the air raid sirens are ringing 2 times a day or at night. Praise God for His mercy on us.

6. Prayer requests:

-Pray for an end to the war in Ukraine.

-Pray for the orphan children, so that they will be encouraged after this help that everyone has given them.

-Pray for all our missionaries so that we will not get tired of serving people always, with such love that we have now.

-Pray for the meeting of our missionaries with 2 brothers from England from May 26 to 29. They will visit us in Ukraine so that we can share the gospel with them here. So that we would be calm and there would be no arrivals of enemy missiles. So that the Lord protects our brothers from all evil both when they come to us and when they leave home.

-About those soldiers who are being rehabilitated in hospitals so that they can restore their health.

-Pray that we will be able to hold a summer teenage, Christian, camp from July 24 to 29. We hope in God that He will help us to conduct this seminar in a blessed way during the war.

And we always pray for you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA. Thank you for your prayers for Ukraine. We feel your prayers. Thank you for your support. May the Lord return you a hundred fold blessings over your families, churches and over your country. May the Lord send Peace to you and to us. Be blessed!

With love to you, the PETIKHACHNYY PAVLO AND LARISA family.