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Merciful action for orphans

Dear brothers and sisters from the USA, we greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ!

We are grateful to God for His protection, which we feel every minute of our lives here in Ukraine, where there is a danger of missiles coming from the enemy side. Throughout eastern, northern and southern Ukraine, there are such arrivals of missiles and drones every day. Innocent people and children are dying, and we are very worried about these people who live in these cities and villages. We are very grateful to God that He protects our region and we can serve God here in safety. And we always pray for our brothers and sisters who live where the fighting is going on. For the Lord to protect both them and our soldiers who defend the country.

1. Merciful action for orphans.

-We are grateful to God and to all of you who prayed for this day - April 29th.

God gave us and orphans a wonderful day. It was sunny and peaceful. Most importantly, there was a peaceful sky above us and there was not even the sound of an air raid siren.

- In the morning, Larisa and I met these children and fed them with sandwiches, tea and coffee. Thank God that there was a wonderful team of leaders who worked with these children. There were over 200 children. There were children from a boarding school for minors, as well as families that bring up 16-17 children from boarding schools. There were also widows from this war with their children.

- A rich program for the whole day was prepared for everyone. After breakfast, everyone was divided into groups. The children had Bible lessons, games, applications and sports.

-Foster parents also had an hour of prayer for each other and study of the Word. And also the testimony of each family, what they face every day, what difficulties, and how to ask God for wisdom and love to go through various trials and temptations.

-Widows also go through hard trials and temptations. I had a Word from the Lord for them and together we prayed that the Lord would bless every widow and their children. Through this war, the number of widows and orphans multiplied. The heart cries when you see how many orphans suffer from this war. And how to console them? Who can comfort us? Only God. Through His children who are numbered in His Church. We are His Helping Hands for those in need on this earth.

-A bus from our church, the village of Nesvoya, arrived at lunchtime, with food for everyone. There was a very tasty lunch: Rice with meat, casserole and pie, Olivier salad, compote and delicious bread from the bakery of our village. Everyone was satisfied and were grateful to God and our team for this wonderful day in which they rested both in body and soul, Thank God for everything!

Thank God for our sisters from our church, for their hands who prepared such a delicious dinner. And the children from the orphanage said: Thank you Jesus and you.

Once again, we thank everyone who prayed for us and for this action for orphans, and those who donated money so that we could prepare such a blessed action-Glory to God!

2. Finished teaching students the first part of the book of Revelation. Now I am getting ready to teach the second part of the book of Revelation.

3. We begin to gather with the leaders to prepare for the Christian camp from July 24 to 29. We pray that the Lord will help us in this ministry.

4. We continue to help the soldiers on the first line with ready-made food. Our young families from the church bake them bread, buns, cookies, and also prepare meat stews and close them thermally in jars.

5. Thanksgiving:

We are very grateful to God for helping us here to serve God by helping the needy, migrants, orphans and widows.

We also thank God for you, brothers and sisters from the USA, for your support and prayers.

6. Prayer requests:

-Pray with us for this terrible war to end.

-Pray that these arrivals of enemy missiles will end, because innocent people and children are dying.

-Pray for all the orphans and widows who listened to the Word for this evangelism that they will decide to repent.

-Pray for our camp from July 24th to 29th that everything will be blessed.

- For our leaders.

-Pray for the team from the USA that will come to us in the summer so that the Lord will protect them from all evil.

-Pray for the team of brothers who will come to us from England at the end of May, so that the Lord will bless their arrival.

-Pray for me and my wife that the Lord bless us with health so that we can serve God zealously this summer. We are weak, but the Lord strengthens us. I can do everything in Jesus who strengthens me (Phil. 4:13).

We also pray for you always and thank God for you and for your support.

With love to you, the PETIKHACHNYY PAVLO & LARISA family.