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Meeting of the missionaries of the PIEI

Greetings, dear brothers and sisters from the USA, with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Christ is risen! Christ is truly risen!

We are very grateful to God for the fact that He protects our region of Bukovina and we are here quietly and calmly during this storm of war in Ukraine. Thanks to this, we can serve God here by helping refugees, conducting evangelizations, and prayer services.

1. Before Easter, which we celebrated on April 16, we had a series of services and on Thursday we remembered the death and suffering of Jesus Christ with the church. Two more neighboring churches attended this Holy Communion: Podvirnoye and Balkovtsy. In these churches, as I wrote earlier, there are no pastors. And now we help them until we find someone to put there. We also visited the sick from the church with holy communion where they rejoiced that they took part, together with the church, in this holy communion - the Remembrance of the Death and Suffering of Christ.

2. Evangelization on the feast of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

- On April 16, our church had an evangelistic program and we celebrated the feast of the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. There was a rich program where both youth and our choir participated. The good news is that our church is visited by 10 listeners from the world. We pray for them that the Lord will test their hearts for repentance.

On Tuesday, April 18, we also organized an evangelistic Easter meeting in the village of Balkovtsy. Listeners from the world also came there and we pray for them.

3. Meeting of the missionaries of the PIEI UKR mission.

-April 20, Thursday, our missionaries of the PIEI UKR mission had a quarterly meeting in Novoselytsia at the Emmanuel Church, where each missionary gave his quarterly report on the work done in the field of God. We had a blessed meeting, prayer and gratitude before God for His mercy and love over us. We planned together how best to program our summer time for holding a Christian camp, for serving among the settlers, for holding evangelistic meetings.

4. Studying the Word of God:

-In the last two weeks I have been teaching at the Bible Institute:

-The book of Daniel was taught to 20 students, thank God, there were very interesting testimonies:

-I never thought that in the book of Daniel I could find such deep and beautiful truths. I realized that this inductive method of study is very useful for us who have never studied this book of Daniel.

-In their church they studied the book of the prophet Zechariah, chapter 13. It was a very blessed lesson.

-The Bible Institute also taught the book of James from the New Testament, showing students how to go through trials and temptations, and how to overcome it all.

5. Preparations for a meeting with widows and orphans.

-April 29, we have an evangelistic meeting with 200 orphans from Chernivtsi on Kovelskaya 25. There our church will prepare a delicious dinner for them, and my family will prepare a breakfast of sandwiches, tea and coffee. Pray for us so that we can bring these children and that they were able to relax all day with us. The main thing is that there is peace and there are no missiles flying over us.

6. Thanksgiving:

-We thank the Lord for peace and tranquility here in Bukovina and we will be able to serve God here.

-Thank God and for you, brothers and sisters from the USA, for your support and prayers for us. Thanks to you, we can serve here among the settlers, helping them with food and other necessary needs that these settlers need. Thank you for sending us humanitarian aid in Ukraine, so that we would also help people in need here - Thank God!

7. Prayer requests:

-Pray with us for the end of the war here in Ukraine.

-Pray for our meeting with the orphans on April 29, so that everything will be blessed.

-Pray for our Christian camp from July 24th to 29th to have a good team of leaders, teachers and up to 150 teenagers in this camp. In everything we hope in the Lord and believe that He will help us in everything.

-For the Lord to give us all health and protection from all evil in this difficult time.

- May the Lord bless the team from the USA that will come to Ukraine this summer for greater success in evangelism. And to protect and protect these people from all evil.

We also pray for you, brothers and sisters from the USA, that the Lord bless you, your families and your churches. May the Lord return you a hundredfold blessings for giving so much here in Ukraine.

All our missionaries of our mission, as well as my family, send you heartfelt Christian greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

With love to you, the PETIKHACHNYY PAVLO & LARISA family.