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A family came to Christ

Dear brothers and sisters from the USA, we greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ and heartily congratulate all of you, on behalf of all our missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission, on the Bright Holiday of the Resurrection of Christ - Christ is Risen! Christ is truly Risen!

We are very grateful to God for you, dear brothers and sisters, and with all our hearts we wish you abundant blessings from our Lord Jesus Christ!

This month, God helped me to do the following ministry in the Lord's Field:

1. For two weeks in a row I helped a church from the village of Balkovtsy with a sermon, because there is no minister in this church due to the war. He went abroad with his family.

We also organized communal celebrations to take place in Balkovtsy, Podvirnoe, and in our church, in Nesvoi. Praise God for helping us in this difficult time to serve and preach His Word.

2. I was invited to preach at an evangelistic meeting in the church of the village of Tarasovtsy, where the pastor of the church is our missionary brother Gortopan Mihai. At this evangelization, one sister from a neighboring village repented. Thank God that the Lord touches the hearts of people. At the morning service, her husband Andrei repented. And in the evening she went out to repent. We had wonderful fellowship with this family and we pray for them that the Lord will bless their family and their two children, and also that they will strengthen their faith.

3. I visited all the pastors of the Novoseletsky district and gave them packages with seeds for sowing into the ground for their members of the churches. These packages were given to us from the regional office of the ECB of the Chernivtsi region for all the churches of the Novoseletsky district - Glory to God!

4. With the students of the bible institute I conducted bible lessons on the book of Daniel. Thank God for the fact that, with God's help, we have completed the study of this wonderful book. There are very good reviews after this study - Thank God!

5.Our church from Nesvoi, again last week, prepared delicious food, baked cookies and buns for the soldiers who are on the front line. We received many letters of gratitude from these soldiers for the fact that our churches do not forget about them. Our churches pray for these soldiers and cook delicious food for them from the bottom of their hearts with love. And these soldiers feel it - Thank God!

- Also, our brother missionary Kyoresko Grigory, with his team, traveled with help to the ruined cities of the Kiev region, and brought there a lot of delicious food and everything necessary for these people who lost their houses and apartments.

At the same time, they conducted an evangelization in the city of Gostomel, where they founded the Church of Jesus Christ.

6. Thanksgiving:

-We are very grateful to you, brothers and sisters from the USA, for praying for us missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission, for supporting us in our ministry here, for praying for brother Kioresco and his team, who carries 1 time in 2 weeks food and humanitarian aid products for people in need in Gostomel and other cities that have suffered greatly from this war.

-We are grateful for the students who have completed their study of the book of Daniel. We pray that they will also be included in the ministry in churches where there are no ministers.

-Thank God for the fact that in our Chernivtsi region there were no rocket arrivals, for the fact that there is no destruction, as is done every day in the cities of Ukraine. Especially in those cities that are closer to the front. This is just God's mercy to us, and we thank God every hour for this mercy. And we pray that this war ends soon and that so many people do not die senselessly.

7. Prayer requests:

-Keep praying for peace in Ukraine.

-Pray for our missionaries that the Word that was sown by them will bear much fruit of repentance.

-About the students of our institute, to get involved in the ministry in churches where there is a lack of ministers.

-Pray that we will be able to sow our fields, so that the Lord will bless this seed with a harvest, so that we can help those regions of Ukraine where they now do not have the opportunity to sow their lands due to this war. And so that we do not have enemy missile arrivals and that did not destroy our homes and our infrastructure.

-So that the Lord blesses us with health and zeal for labor in His Field.

-So that the Lord blesses us with peace in our area so that we can hold children's and youth Christian camps this summer. Keep praying for our NON STOP camp in Boyany. For the team of leaders. For the teachers.

-On April 16, we will celebrate Easter and hold evangelistic meetings. Pray for people to come and repent at these evangelizations.

We always pray for you, brothers and sisters, and we are always grateful to God for your support and for your prayers for us. May the Lord be with His Grace and Peace over you and over your families!

Once again we congratulate you - Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen indeed! To Him be glory forever and ever, Amen!

With love to you, the Petikhachnyy Pavlo and Larysa family.