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Food for needy

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ who live across the ocean in the United States, we greet you with the love and peace of Jesus Christ!

I am grateful to God for the fact that so far, during these 2 weeks of this month, He has helped me to be successful in the gospel.

I praise God for the fact that it is still calm in our area and there are no rocket arrivals. Although they are bombing all over Ukraine. It’s scary to think how many of our people are dying under these bombings. We pray that God will calm down and stop all this evil.

1. Meanwhile, here in the rear, our church from Nesvoi again turned on preparing food ready for the soldiers who defend Ukraine, on the front line, together with other churches from the Khotyn region. They baked bread and buns, as well as cabbage rolls, cutlets, meatballs , rice with meat and other sweets. There are volunteer brothers who carry, on beads, all these products to Kramatorsk, Bakhmut, Zaitsevo and other cities of the Donetsk region where there are fights. There are 4 soldiers from our village and from a neighboring village in Bakhmut Balkovtsy. One guy, his name is Marian, was once in our camp in Boyany and even went out and repented. Marian went to the lessons with sister Marilyn Rosema. His mother is a believer. But life twisted him and he cooled down a bit. We believe and pray for him, that God will help him restore his faith. When he ate this food, he said that he did not even know that he ate buns prepared by our sisters from our church. We pray for him and his family. He has a wife and 2 children at home.

2. I taught the book of the prophet Daniel at the Bible Institute. There were many questions regarding Daniel's 70th week. Students want to know everything right away, but I told them that throughout this course, we will learn more and more every day. Thank God for the fact that they regularly come to these lessons and they are very interested in studying the book of Daniel.

3. Also, our missionary brother, brother Kioresko Gregory, loaded a whole bus with food and other humanitarian aid and also took it all to people who had lost their homes and so that they could have everything for daily food. He traveled to the city of Gostomel, where the Church of Christ was recently founded. He helped them carry ministries to the church and preached Jesus Christ.

3. I did mini evangelizations in houses where people who need spiritual help live.

-I preached there that God knows in advance about our difficulties. He sends us trials, but He also gives us a way out of these difficult circumstances, so that we would trust God more and hope in Him.

-At these meetings there were prayers of repentance and glorification of God.

4. I preached in 2 churches the lessons from the Sermon on the Mount of Jesus Christ. In these classes, there were many students who diligently studied these beautiful lessons. After the lessons there were many prayers of repentance of people who realized their guilt before God.

5.News from Ukraine:

-This month, all the churches from Ukraine were fasting and praying for the end of the war in Ukraine.

-All the sisters of our churches have prayer meetings where they not only pray and study the Word, but also plan how to prepare food and feed people in need, how to help them.

-They not only plan but also in practice prepare food for volunteers to take this food to the soldiers on the front line, they also help the displaced people who live among us-Thank God!

6. We plan:

- In the church of the village of Tarasovtsy, where our pastor, missionary Gortopan Mihai, organized an evangelization on March 26. Pray for this evangelism, that the Lord bless His Word through the preachers, and that this evangelism be successful in the gospel.

7. Thanksgiving:

-We are very grateful to God for protecting us in these parts and we can preach His Word to all people.

-We thank God for you, brothers and sisters from the USA, our partners in evangelism here in Ukraine. Thank God for your help and support, for your prayers for us which we feel them here.

-We praise God and thank Him both for the blessings and for the trials. Because through these trials of the war, many people came to God and repented. God works in mysterious ways…

8. Prayer requests:

-Pray, if it is the will of the Lord, that the war in Ukraine will end.

-Pray for those cities of Ukraine that are in danger of rocket arrivals, Kharkiv, Zaporozhye, Kherson, Odessa, Kyiv and other small cities of Ukraine. Innocent people and children are dying. For the Lord to stop these bombings.

-Continue to pray for our volunteers who are bringing food and everything necessary for our soldiers on the front line. Also pray for our missionary brother Kioresko and his team that is carrying humanitarian aid and food in Gostomel and in other cities where people are in need. For God to protect all our volunteers on the way from all evil.

-Pray for success in evangelism at the evangelizations that will be in our churches and at the evangelizations among the settlers.

-Pray for those 4 soldiers from our village and for all our soldiers that the Lord will protect them. For Marian Palamaryuk and his family. May God help him to survive there in the war and when he comes home to repent with his wife.

-Keep praying for our Chernivtsi region, so that we are not bombed and that there are no rockets coming.

-For the Lord to strengthen our health, so that we would zealously serve Him here, where He placed us in the service.

We also pray for you, our dear brothers and sisters from the USA. May the Lord richly bless you and give you a hundredfold blessings for your sacrifice and love for us and for Ukraine.

We wish you to celebrate the Bright holiday of the Resurrection of Christ: Blessed, peaceful, happy and inspired! Please accept the best wishes and blessings from my family!

With love to you, the PETIKHACHNYY PAVLO and LARISA family.