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Prayer meeting with sisters

We greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ, dear brothers and sisters from the USA, our partners in evangelizing the Word of God here in Ukraine.

-I thank the Lord for His protection, which we feel every day and every hour during this difficult period of the war in our lives. For more than a year there has been a war in Ukraine, and only the Lord protects us and our region from bombing. Every day and night, sirens howl and we understand that there is a danger of rocket arrivals. Then we pray hard and believe in the protection of the Lord. In the East, North and South of Ukraine there are rockets and destruction, unfortunately, and loss of life. We pray that the Lord will console those who have lost their loved ones either through the arrival of rockets, or through the loss of soldiers who defended our borders.

1) By the grace of God, we were able to participate in Holy Communion of the Breaking of Bread in our church from Nesvoi. There, 2 more churches gathered with us: Balkovtsy and Podvirnoye. Since there is no pastor of the church in Balkovtsy and their pastor fell ill in Podvirnoye. They were brought to us by our church bus, as there are few members of the church there. They were very happy that they could, together with our church, have Holy Communion at this communion. On other Sundays, our ministers from the church go to these churches to strengthen these brothers and sisters with the Word of God.

-One sister from Podvirnoe who recently repented invited me to prepare her through the lessons for Baptism. I am glad that her husband also comes to our services. We pray for this family.

-I also performed the Breaking of Bread for 2 sick people from our church. We also prayed for them so that the Lord would heal them.

2) We organized prayers for all the sisters in all the churches of our region on Monday, March 6. The theme of the prayer is "Live worthy of God's teaching" James 2: 8. We also prayed for peace in Ukraine, supported in our prayers those who go through the loss of their loved ones. They prayed that these arrivals of missiles would stop, which not only destroy people's houses but also take human lives.

3) At the moment, all the missionaries of our PIEI Ukraine mission serve many migrants. At the beginning, we found houses for them so that they would have a place to live, helped them with clothes and food, and after that we conduct Bible lessons with them and many migrants come to these lessons.

4) In February, brother Kioresko Gregory, our missionary, brought humanitarian aid to Gostomel 2 times. Thank God there is already the Church of God there and regular services are going on. In the beginning, they preach the Word to people and then distribute humanitarian aid to them. They rejoice for the Word of God, but this help is also necessary for them.

5) Our church continues to prepare food for the soldiers on the front line. This food is very necessary for them to refresh themselves in those without conditions where they have neither electricity nor water. We also pray for these soldiers.

6) In February, I taught the lessons from the book of Daniel to the brothers who wished to study this book in more detail. After these lessons, the brothers said that they themselves would teach these lectures both in their churches and among the settlers.

7) We plan to assemble a leadership team for the Non Stop Christian summer camp in Boyany. We pray for this project, our camp, that God bless us with Peace and Health, so that we can conduct this camp blessedly and fruitfully (repentance of many young men and gain them for Christ).

8) Thanksgiving:

-We thank God for the fact that in our area, by His mercy, it is still calm and we can fruitfully serve all the needy migrants and our churches here.

-We thank the Lord for your support that you give us, from the USA and from Romania, and we can help people in need here.

-We thank God for all our missionaries who work and serve the Lord here. For the fact that the Lord gives them health and protects them from all evil.

9) Prayer needs:

-Pray with us for an end to the war.

- About the brother of the missionary Kioresko and his team, who travels 2 times a month with humanitarian help to the destroyed cities near Kiev. About the new Evangelical Church from Gostomel so that it grows in faith and love and bears the fruits of the Holy Spirit.

-Pray for all our missionaries who are working among the migrants, that the Lord would protect them and their families from all evil.

-For the Non Stop camp from Boyana, for the team of leaders, for the team of teachers, for the children who will come to this camp, for the team from the USA who will come to us this summer to serve, and for us to be calm so that we can conduct this camp.

- For the day camps at the church that our churches will hold. May all be blessed.

-For students from the Bible Institute who help us preach the gospel in churches where there are no pastors.

We also pray for you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA, our partners in evangelizing the Word of God in Ukraine, we pray that God will bless you with health and return you a hundredfold blessings for your sacrifice, for your support and for your prayers for us. We feel your prayers for us. Thank you for everything!

Please accept sincere Christian greetings from my family.

With love to you, Pavel and Larisa Petikhachnyy.