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We are still living in peace - but preparing for war

We are still living in peace - but preparing for war.

Romans 14:8 But we live, we live for the Lord; whether we die, we die for the Lord; therefore, whether we live or die, we are always the Lord's.

Dear brothers and sisters, our evangelism partners in the USA!

We want to describe a little about the events that are taking place in Ukraine at the moment.

As the whole world already knows about the aggression by Russia against Ukraine, we think that you have seen it in the media.

- We are still quiet and peaceful. People are working, students are studying online because of the pandemic, churches are praying while we are allowed to gather. And some churches are in quarantine, they watch the service online.

Now, throughout our country, prayers with fasting for peace in Ukraine have intensified. So that the Lord stops the aggressor Russia and that they do not violate our borders with the war.

From January 24 to 30, all churches from Ukraine, and the missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission with their churches, in turn, created round-the-clock prayer circles with fasting, for peace and tranquility in the country. Everyone prays, both children and schoolchildren in schools, all students in universities, workers in cities and peasants in villages - everyone wants peace and tranquility in Ukraine.

Of course people are in a panic. They go shopping and everyone buys a lot of products in a row, whether they have money for it or not. Even if they do not have money, they borrow and buy salt, sugar, cereals, pasta, butter and other products. People are getting ready. And how do you explain to them that it is not possible to stock up for life? Even if a war starts, there will still not be enough food for everyone.

The people of God pray to God and all trust in the Lord. Psalmist David writes in Psalm 19:8-9: Some boast in chariots, others in horses, but we boast in the Name of the Lord our God; they staggered and fell, but we got up and stand upright.

2 Chronicles 20:12 "Our God! You judge them. For we have no power against this great multitude that has come against us, and we do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you."

We believe in the prayer power of the Church of Christ, because the Church asks in prayers before God in the Name of Jesus Christ. And we believe that the Lord will answer us and protect his people.

Prayer Need:

Our dear brothers and sisters from the USA, all our brothers missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission, we kindly ask you to join the prayers of our churches, our brothers and sisters. Pray for peace in Ukraine. Pray that the Lord God will protect us from war.

Pray that we, the missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission, at this difficult time for Ukraine, will be able to show more love to people and testify to them more about the love of the Lord Jesus Christ. Show people that earthly life is short, but life in Christ Jesus is eternal.

With love, missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission.