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Meeting with the missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission

I am grateful to God that He gives us the opportunity to proclaim His Word in Ukraine. At the moment it is very difficult to comfort people from the threat of war with worldly advice. Only the Word of God can console and give hope to a person in this difficult time.

1.Study Word:

-This month, we studied the book of Job, together with many ministers, because we are preparing to serve God and people at this difficult time for Ukraine.

2. After studying this wonderful book, I began to teach the first lesson from the book of Job in 3 churches: Zhilovka, Forosna and Marchentsy. After these lessons, we did an hour of prayer and those who were from the unbelievers also prayed and asked God for forgiveness and prayed that there was peace in Ukraine. Fear of war makes everyone pray and cry out to God. These unbelievers come constantly to churches and pray together with believers. There were 40 people in these 3 churches.


- Held 2 funerals: in the village of Nesvoi and in the village of Balkovtsy. Especially at the funeral in Balkovtsy, 200 people attended, almost all of the unbelievers, who carefully listened to the Word of God. After the funeral, many of the unbelievers came up to me and want to organize with them hours of prayer to pray for Ukraine. I agreed to pray with them for peace in Ukraine.

4. Meeting with the missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission.

-February 14, we had a meeting with the missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission, where all our missionaries talked about their ministry and their difficulties they encountered in the ministry. We prayed together and thanked God for the peace and tranquility that had been until now, and also asked the Lord to he had mercy on us and protected Ukraine from the aggression of the war. We all hope for the Lord God. He is our Protection and Salvation - Glory to Him forever and ever!

- We were very happy that the family of Pop Rodik and Alex were also present at this meeting. We met virtually in zoom and they gave us good instructions and encouraged us with the Word of God.

All the missionaries thanked them for the support and prayers of our US sponsors who are helping us to carry out this missionary service here in Ukraine.

At the end of the meeting, we all prayed for all our sponsors from the USA. For brothers and sisters in the Lord who pray for us and help us in our ministry. For the Lord to give everyone health and peace in the country where they live and to bless their families and churches.

5. Thanksgiving:

-Thank you for your help and prayers that help us in the ministry so much. I feel your prayers and the fact that the Lord helps me, Glory to Him.

-For the fact that we are one team with you and can do such wonderful things for God.

6. Prayer requests:

-Pray for peace in Ukraine.

-Pray for me. I am to teach the Book of the Holy Apostles at the Theological Institute to students at the end of February.

- Also at the end of February, we organized an action with all orphans from the orphanage from Khotyn where there are about 200 children. So that this lockdown due to the pandemic passes and we meet with these children. If God wills and be healthy, there will be peace in Ukraine then we will prepare gifts for these children, food, socks, and other needs for them. We will write about this later. Only for the Lord to help us do this. I would like us to give each child individually, such good gifts so that they feel that they are loved and that they glorified God. Pray for us and for this action.

We are once again grateful to you for everything you do for us. May the Lord bless you abundantly. We love you and pray for you.

With love, the Petikhachny family, Pavel and Larisa.