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Help for orphans and widows

Greetings, dear brothers and sisters, with the love of Jesus Christ!

I praise and thank the Lord for His help and protection in the service in the Field of the Lord and at the beginning of this year.

1. Evangelism:

-With God's help, we did 2 evangelizations on January 7 and 8, where together with the church we celebrated the feast of the Nativity of Christ in the old style. This is how people in our village celebrate and we also decided to organize evangelizations this way. The youth went home with carols and gave people calendars and an invitation to evangelism on January 8. Thank God that few people responded and came to evangelism. We pray for them.

2.Help for orphans and widows:

-For 2 weeks we, together with our church, collected and bought food for orphans and widows. Prepared special packages with products, vegetables and fruits. We wanted to prepare a table of love for them, that is, a delicious dinner. Gather them all and feed them deliciously. We have been doing this for many years in a row. But now again because of the quarantine could not do it. Thank God that it turned out to be a very good and useful help for them. Although we could not enter a couple of such houses because the children there had the flu, we left the packages near the doors and they took them away. Then we texted us thanksgiving. On Friday, January 14, we were at Kovelskaya in 5 orphanages. In one of these houses, a father who brings up 10 children from a boarding school thanked us and said that he wanted to visit our church from Nesvoi. He plays the guitar himself and organized a good worship group from those children from the boarding school, those that they bring up together with their wife and their housemates who are also children from the boarding school. Of course, we gladly invited them to our church, although the distance is 75 km from Chernivtsi. But he said that they have transport to come to us. Thank God that these parents raise these children in love for the Lord. Each child was also given a package of sweets and tangerines. Children are always happy when they are given sweets. Pray for these families because they have their own difficulties.

And on Saturday, January 15, we were at the orphanage on Golovnaya Street and in Sadgora. How happy all the children were! There are no words to describe it. We thanked God that the Lord does not forget about them - Praise God for helping us serve Him through this service! We pray for orphans and widows that they all know the Lord Jesus Christ.

3. Thanksgiving:

-I thank the Lord for protecting us from diseases and helping us to work in God's Vineyard.

-We always thank God for you, brothers and sisters from the USA, for supporting us missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission, in your prayers and materially in our ministry in Ukraine. Thank you for your prayers because the Lord helped us to work for Him this month as well .

4. Prayer needs:

- Pray with us that the Lord will continue to protect us from all evil and disease, so that we can still sow the Word of God among the people around us.

-Now after these holidays, many people got sick with just the flu, so that the Lord would heal the members of our churches, the children who attended Sunday schools from Covid and from the simple flu.

-Pray for orphans and widows, that they may know Jesus Christ as the Savior of their souls.

-To stop the war in the South-East of Ukraine.

-To repent those people who attended our evangelizations on these holidays. So that the Lord would touch their hearts.

And we pray for you brothers and sisters that the Lord bless you and protect you and your families from all sickness and from all evil. That the Lord bless you with health and peace in Christ. My family sends heartfelt greetings to everyone in the Name of Jesus Christ.

With love, the Petikhachny family, Pavel and Larisa.