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Merry Christmas and Happy New year!

Greetings, brothers and sisters from the United States, with the peace and love of Jesus Christ!

First, I want to praise the Lord for the fact that He is our Great God Who helps us serve Him and works in His Field on this earth.

1.So the month of December passed and we, with God's help, found ourselves at the beginning of the New Year, 2022. At the end of the year, on the last Sunday of December, we had a reporting meeting in the church, where I reported to the church for the work done throughout 2021 Together with our church we carried out services in 3 churches: in Nesvoi, in Balkivtsi and in Podvirna. Every month they held cereal breaks, visited the sick and helped the poor.

2. I was at a funeral in Novoselitsa. Alla Popov's father, the wife of our pastor missionary brother Valeria Popov, died, and I preached the Word of God. After the funeral, one person who lives in Novoselytsia asked us, me and my brother Valery, to visit him and to communicate with him from the Word of God. After our fellowship, this man, on the basis of the Gospel, repented, Glory to God. It turns out that this man is from the village of Zhilovka, where I have been helping in the ministry in this church for many years in a row. But now he lives in Novoselitsa. We pray that the Lord will strengthen the faith of this brother.

3. Evangelism:

-At the beginning of the New Year, 2 large evangelizations were carried out in the church in the village of Nesvoi. At these evangelizations, a choir from young families sang and there were edifying sermons. After these meetings, many prayed a prayer of repentance and asked God for forgiveness with tears in their eyes. At the moment, many unbelievers are attending our church for whom we are praying.

4.Help orphans and widows:

-After January 7, we want to help orphans from boarding schools, and widows, with food and gifts for the children. Now we are already preparing sweet gifts (200 bags) and collecting food from vegetables. We will also buy fruits and various cereals, pasta, sunflower oil and other products. At the same time, we want to help large families who took their children from orphanages to foster care, as well as widows who were left without husbands, and their children without fathers after this war, which has been going on in the South East of Ukraine with Russia for 8 years. They constantly ask us for help so that they do not go hungry and have everything they need for school and other needs.


-We are grateful to God and you for helping us with your prayers for us and for your material support which helps us to expand the work of God here, in Ukraine.

-Thank God for the fact that all our missionaries and their families are healthy and they can work in the Field of God in the Power of the Holy Spirit.

6.Prayer Needs:

-Pray, together with us, that the war in the South-East of Ukraine ends, and that a new war does not ripen on the part of Russia in Ukraine.

-So that the Lord will protect us and our families from a pandemic.

-So that in the churches of our mission, PIEI Ukraine, in 2022, more people will repent and make a covenant with the Lord through water Baptism.

-Pray for the action of mercy with orphans and widows that we will hold in January. May the Lord help us in this and that the Name of the Lord be glorified among these children.

-Also, our church will celebrate the feast of Christmas on January 7 and 8. Pray that many people from the world will come to these evangelizations and that they will repent.

We also pray for you, brothers and sisters from the United States, our partners in ministry for the Lord in Ukraine. May the Lord bless you abundantly and protect you and your families from any disease. We wish you success, peace, and much health in 2022. Be blessed!

With love, the Petihachny family, Pavel and Larisa.