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Annual PIE-Ukraine meeting

Greetings to you, dear brothers and sisters, with the love and peace of Jesus Christ!

Thank God for the month of November, for the fact that I was successful in preaching the gospel to the ministry before God.

1.Annual meeting of missionaries of the mission PIEI Ukraine:

-4 December, 2021, together with the missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission, we held an annual meeting where each of our missionaries could report on the work done in 2021. Together we praised and thanked the Lord for the fact that He protected us all from all evil and strengthened us to serve for Him. All missionaries worked with all dedication for the Lord throughout the year. In all the churches of our mission there were repentances and baptisms of repentant souls.

In all our churches there is a Sunday school where leaders work with children, as well as teenagers and youth gather to study the Word of God. We also prayed together and thanked the Lord for our brothers and sisters from the United States - our partners in evangelism here in Ukraine. For the fact that they always support us in our ministry in Ukraine. We prayed for everyone that the Lord would bless them all and protect them from any disease.

2. Bible Study:

- I taught the book of the prophet Ezekiel, part 2, for 30 students. At the beginning of this session there were few students, and then every day new students were added who wanted to study this blessed book. During these sessions one person began to visit our house of prayer, Glory God!

3.Mini Evangelism:

- I conducted a divine service in the family of one disabled person (Dima), at his request. A few weeks ago, his wife died from Covid and he is now experiencing major depression and has been unable to sleep for so many nights, he was very afraid that he would soon leave for eternity. And I taught him classes on the topic from the Philippians. 1:21-For me, life Christ, and death is an acquisition. After several such studies, he felt better and began to pray and serve God.

-I had evangelism with 5 families who asked me to help them. Larisa and I taught them Bible lessons and helped them with the food they needed. They were very happy with this help and thanked God for it.

4. Serving with young families and youth.

-In our church, we hold a service once a week with young families and youth. They study the Bible, and also prepare a worship program for Sunday services in the church. This group of young people has great success both in worship in the church program and in visiting sick people to help them and for their excitement.


We also had the breaking of bread with the church - we remembered the death and suffering of our Savior Jesus Christ. This is the last communion this year, and we thanked the Lord for the opportunity given to us to fulfill His will. We also visited one family (sick) with the breaking of bread.


- We always thank the Lord for you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA, our partners in evangelism in Ukraine, for always supporting us in missionary service both financially and with your prayers. Thank God that thanks to you we are successful in evangelism.

-Thank God for the fact that we are healthy and God listens to the prayers of His Church. Glory to Him for the answers to our prayers.

-Thank God for 5 people who regularly attend our meetings. We pray for them so that they know the Truth and repent.

-Thank God for the fact that all Sunday schools in our churches are functioning.

7.Prayer Needs:

-Pray, together with us, that a large-scale war does not start in our Ukraine. The Russians are again preparing to attack us. They put military equipment along the entire border with Ukraine and led their troops. The people are in panic, but we are children of God hope in the Lord .Only the Lord can protect us from aggression and war. And this is how people suffer in the Luhansk and Donetsk regions of Ukraine. For almost 8 years there is no rest there, the war is still going on and young people are dying. We pray for them and we help these people as much as we can. ...

-Pray for us that our families and our churches are not infected by this Covid 19 virus.

We always pray for you, our dear brothers and sisters, and we wish that the Lord would bless you, your families, your churches and your country, that the Lord would protect you from all evil and from a pandemic. And we also want to wish you all Happy Christmas and Happy New Years. 2022! May the Lord bless you all, dear brothers and sisters, our partners in evangelism here in Ukraine!

With love to you, the Petihachny family, Pavel and Larisa.