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Blessings of children

Greetings, brothers and sisters from the United States, with the love and grace of Jesus Christ!

I am grateful to the Lord for this month, October. Although it was a difficult month for evangelism, because in Bukovina, Ukraine, Covid 19 was very much raging. But despite this, believers look with faith at Jesus Christ and are not afraid of anyone or anything, because their Shepherd is Jesus Christ. He guards His church and the church with the power of the Holy Spirit testifies of Jesus Christ!

  1. Session in Zoom.

-I conducted and passed, with the students of the Bible Institute from Ukraine, a very blessed session where 30 students studied the book of Ezekiel-the second part. All students promised to teach these lessons further in their churches and in this way we want to raise the spiritual level in our churches and attract and other believers to study the Bible.

2. Evangelism:

-We held a blessed Evangelization in the church of the village of Balkovtsi in connection with the Thanksgiving holiday in this church. At this evangelization, a group from our church in the village of Nesvoya sang. Everyone thanked the Lord for a wonderful harvest this year, I preached the Word and again, together with the elders of this small church, thanked for bread, water and for the Word of God. This evangelism lasted more than 2 hours and those present did not want to let our singers go. They also wanted to hear songs to glorify our Lord. I realized that, in this difficult time, people are very eager to hear the spiritual psalms and spiritual sermons; these are consolations for your soul.

3. Blessings of children:

-My son Andrey and daughter-in-law of Revveka had a daughter Emima and they brought her to church for praying. They already have two children (son Mark and daughter Emima) and they wanted the Lord to put His blessed Hands on them and bless them so that they were under the protection of the Highest God. Andrew and Revveka want their children to love Jesus Christ and praise Him from a young age.

My brother Kioresko Gregory and I conducted this service to the church from the village of Rokitne. They were congratulated by both the youth and children of the Sunday school by this church. We pray for our children that they will be protected by the Lord from all evil, sickness and the temptations of the devil.


-In the village of Podvirnoe, I, together with a group of our choir, held the funeral of my cousin Mila. The Word was preached and sang songs for the glory of the Lord and consolation of relatives. There were about 30 non-believers who heard the Word. We pray for them.

5.World Sisters' Day of Prayer:

On November 1, all our Baptist sisters reunited in prayer, with all the sisters of the whole world, for a prayer of thanksgiving and petition before the Lord. The theme of the prayer was "Courageous life" of a Jew 13: 6. - So we boldly say "The Lord is my helper, And not I will fear: What will man do to me? ”In all our churches, our sisters gathered to pray to God. Thank God for our sisters who support our ministries in their prayers.

6.Bread breaking:

- I held a baking ceremony in the churches of the village of Nesvoya and the village of Balkovtsi where about 100 people were present. After the service, we visited the sick at home with the breaking of bread. They rejoiced and thanked God for being able, together with the church, to take part in the breaking of bread and remember the sufferings of our Savior Jesus Christ.


-Thanks to God for the fact that we can get together and hold services.

-For the fact that we can conduct the breaking of bread in the churches and visit the sick from these churches so that they too can participate in the service of the breaking of bread.

-Thank God for the fact that there is a Sunday school in our church.

-Thanks to God for the fact that my family and the families of our missionaries are healthy and all serve the Lord in His Field.

-Thankful to God for all our partners in the gospel, brothers and sisters from the USA, for your support and your prayers for our missionaries in our ministries here in Ukraine. Thank God for the fact that the Lord healed Brother Cornell and Sister Gabriella, as well as Brother Walter from USA. From illness, in Romania. We prayed very much for them. Thank God that they got safely home, in the USA.

8.Prayer Needs:

-Pray, together with us, for those unbelieving people who heard the word of God, that the Lord would reveal the Truth to them.

-So that the Lord will open new doors for us to preach the gospel.

-So that we and our children have protection from Covid 19 with our Lord.

-Pray further for the family of Steph, Cornell and Gobriella and for Brother Walter from the USA, so that the Lord will restore their health after illness. We also pray for all our partners in the gospel in the USA from the PIEI America mission that the Lord will protect you all from this pandemic and healed all those who were already sick.

We love you very much, brothers and sisters, and we pray for you. Accept sincere Christian greetings from my family! The Lord will bless and protect you, your families, your churches and your country from all evil!

With love to you, Pavel and Larisa Petihachny.