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Thanksgiving day

Greetings, dear brothers and sisters, with the peace and love of Jesus Christ!

I am grateful to God, from a pure heart, for the fact that He helped me to glorify Him in all my circumstances of life through which He led me this month.

1. Thanksgiving:

-Thank God that he helped us to gather in our church from Nesvoi, in order to celebrate and thank the Lord for all the fruits of the earth and for the spiritual fruits that God blessed us with this year. Our youth prepared a beautiful program especially for this holiday. After the meeting of this holiday we have helped the poor and sick in our church with the necessary help.

-At this holiday there were also unbelievers who listened to the Word of God and the singing of young people. Invited them to visit our meetings. They promised to come.

-October 10, they also prepared a program of thanksgiving and worship to the Lord for spiritual and earthly fruits to the church in the village of Podvirnoye. The choir from the church in the village of Perkvtsi was also invited and they glorified the Lord very beautifully through psalms and poems. And we preached the Word of God and offered prayers of gratitude to God for the Bible, for our daily bread and for the clean water that we drink every day. We thanked God for the blessed harvest of this year, 2021. We also pray for this little church that the Lord would bless it.

2.Help for the sick:

- We helped, this month, my eldest daughter and her family who fell ill with Covid 19. We helped with all the needs for 2 weeks. Thank God they are already better!

-We helped the preachers from the church of the village of Nesvoya who also got sick and had a high fever. I took them, with the bus of our mission, for an X-ray in Novoselytsia. After the X-ray, the doctor prescribed treatment for them and thank God they are already better.

3.Social assistance:

-Two churches from the Chernivtsi region donated clothing and other aid for those in need. We found a place and a person who is engaged in this mission and gave him these donations. Then we received letters of gratitude from these needy people - thanks for our help.


-I am grateful to God that all our missionaries are alive and well and all are working in the power of the Holy Spirit.

-Thanks to God for the fact that in all churches there is a Sunday school where children study the Word of God.

-Thanks to God for the fact that there are still people in the church who in the near future want to receive water baptism.

5.Prayer Needs:

-Pray, together with us, that everyone who attended our services for our past evangelizations would come back at our meetings and that the Lord through the Holy Word would reveal himself to them.

-For me so that I can hold a session at the Bible Institute at the end of the month, from October 25, in the power of the Holy Spirit.

-Pray that I and my family will be saved by God from a pandemic, so that we can work in the Lord's Field.

We always thank God for you, brothers and sisters from the United States, for your support in our ministry here in Ukraine. May the Lord bless you all and give you a hundredfold blessings for your sacrifice in serving in our area.

We love you and always pray for you. With love Pavel and Larisa Petihachny.