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100th anniversary of the church in the village of Nesvoya


I am grateful to God that in the month of September, all the circumstances of my life were for the success of the gospel.


-With God's help, I baptized in the church of the village of Nesvoi, on September 5, where 2 souls were baptized.

We are glad that these were my wife Larisa's classmate - Sima Cretu and my wife's cousin, Leonid Chebotar. Leonid worked as a French language teacher for 25 years in a secondary school in the village of Verinchanka. We prayed for him and his family for a long time and thank God for the fact that he repented. We continue to pray for this family, so that the Lord will induce both his wife Nadia and children to repentance.

We also prayed for Shema. Her parents were believers and she attended our church from childhood, but she married an unbeliever and so she lived her life in remorse for leaving the Lord and going into the world. After the death of her husband, we repeatedly spoke to her about Christ and prayed for her. Thank God that she came back and heard the voice of the Holy Spirit. She repented and now serves God through chants (she has a beautiful voice) and prayers before God. She is now praying for her sons (there are 2 of them), daughters-in-law and grandchildren.

This baptism was a blessed evangelistic meeting in our church, where many unbelievers who attended our church heard about Jesus Christ and about His love for us sinners. We pray for those who are baptized so that God would strengthen their faith in the path of Christ and for the unbelievers who visited us, so that the Lord would awaken them to repentance.


2. 100th anniversary of the church in the village of Nesvoya:

-At this holiday there were many pastors from different churches and they all had 10 minutes to congratulate our church on the 100th anniversary.

I read the history of our church over 100 years of its existence, how the Lord miraculously led our church both through trials and through blessings, and brother Sergei Moroz from the Kiev Chancellery of the ECB, had a blessed sermon for 20 minutes and also read a congratulatory letter from the Baptist Brotherhood of the Chancellery of the ECB Ukraine. Brother Kioresko Gregory read a congratulatory letter from Viorel Yuga, the president of the Baptist brotherhood from Romania, and brother Manoliy Dannik, the regional clerk of the ECB of the Chernivtsi region, had a congratulatory word from the regional brotherhood of the ECB.

A choir from the Zhivaya Loza church from the city of Chernivtsi was invited to this holiday. All the compositions and psalms that they performed had an effect on all those present, guests, church members and non-believers who visited us. All 300 people who were at this holiday sang and glorified God with hymns from collections of Christian songs. The meeting lasted more than 3 hours and it was not even felt that the time passed so quickly. All people were still waiting for the singing of the choir, which performed the psalms so beautifully. Thank God for everything!

At the end of the holiday, everyone was given bags of sandwiches and other sweets to strengthen the flesh, and a table of love was prepared for the guests from afar. We pray that the Lord will bless our church in the future, that in the future our church will be successful in work for the Lord and that all members of the church will be ready to meet with our Bridegroom Jesus Christ when the Rapture of the Church takes place.

3. Visits:

-This month I visited the church in the village of Podvirnoye and the church in the village of Balkovtsi. I conducted ceremonies in the churches of the village of Nesvoya and the village of Balkovtsi.

-I also visited the church of the village of Dynivtsi, where Pastor Alex Pascar, our missionary, and we held the blessings of his granddaughter Naomin. This is the 4th child of his son David with his wife Inga. We prayed that the Lord would bless Naomin and David's entire family.

And also 2 brothers from this church were chosen for the service of the deacons.

4. Thanks:

-Thank you, brothers and sisters from the USA, for your prayers and financial support that help us in our ministry in Ukraine.

-For the fact that you prayed for us and the Lord blessed these services that were in the month of September. I thank the Lord for the fact that no one got sick after the service, although we were very afraid.

-Thank God for the fact that I and my family did not get sick from this virus because the pandemic began to attack people again.

-For the fact that the Gospel is spreading successfully here, in the Chernivtsi region.

5. Prayer requests:

-Pray for those unbelieving people who heard the Word of God at our Evangelization, so that the Lord would test their hearts and that they would repent.

-Pray that during this pandemic we can successfully spread the Word of God.

-So that no one gets sick after our September Gospel meetings.

We also pray for you, brothers and sisters from the United States, that the Lord will bless you with health and success in work and give you hundredfold blessings for your contribution to the work of God in Ukraine.

We love you and pray for you! With love to you, the Petihachny family, Pavel and Larisa.