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Testimonies of the children


Dear brothers and sisters from the USA, our partners in evangelism in Ukraine.

As we promised in our last report about our Christian camp, which was held from July 26 to July 31, in Boyany, we will tell the testimonies of those children and adolescents who were in our camp and repented. Recall that there were about 100 children and adolescents in this camp plus 21 leaders who worked hard for the Glory of our Lord. Almost half of these children were from unbelieving families and we thank God very much that they had this opportunity to hear the Word of God and 25 children from unbelieving families came to repentance. We pray very much for them and for those children that from believing families that also came to repentance, also for all the children who spent 5 days in our camp but have not yet decided to come to the Lord. We believe and hope that these 5 days were not in vain for them. The Holy Spirit will work on their hearts and will always remind them of the Holy Word that they have heard.

As previously written, these children were divided into groups (3 gr.). 1 group of brother Pavel Petihachny (the oldest) for studying the book of the Epistle of Apostle Paul to Jacob, group 2 (middle) with brother Kioresko Gregory (topic: Righteousness Noah and the righteousness of Lot from the Old Testament) and group 3 (the smallest) with sister Tamara Bozdugan from Dynivtsi (Bible lessons for children). Everyone liked the analysis of the Word of God, games, sports, communication with leaders, communication with each other, evenings worship, swimming in the pool and many other activities that we had in the camp. Everyone thanked us, from the bottom of their hearts, for such a wonderful camp that was held through the PIEI Ukraine mission.

Now below I will write you some testimonies from those who repented. Our leader tried to ask them about their feelings after repentance and wrote us a small report and we want to share this joy with you so that we all pray together for these children.

Georgiyesh Yana, 14 years old, Novoselytsia. (Parents started going to the meeting)

-I am very grateful to God that I was able to spend 5 whole days in the Christian camp in Boyany. I studied in Brother Paul's group very wonderful lessons about how the Lord tests his Church and how he helps his children to overcome evil by doing good. This topic is very relevant in our time, the time of a pandemic. To be honest, I was a little afraid not to get sick in this camp, but thank God everything went not only well but also perfectly. All remained alive and well. But the most pleasant thing for me is that I received the salvation of my soul through repentance! Thank you all who worked tirelessly for such a blessed camp to be held!

Zhurat Yulia, 14 years old, Novoselytsia. (From a non-believing family)

-Thank my dear ones for such a wonderful camp. I liked everything here. I am very glad that I got into the Christian camp. There were very instructive lessons for young people. Especially in our time, when it seems that everything is crumbling around us, God gives us all a chance to be saved through Son of God Jesus Christ, through faith in Him and repentance we have forgiveness, salvation and new life in Jesus. I am glad that I accepted Christ in my heart. And although my parents are not yet believers, I made this decision for myself and I will also pray and for my parents so that they too will know the love of Christ. Please pray for me and my parents.

Skitsko Valeria, 15 years old, Marshenets (from an unbelieving family)

-I want to thank for the permit I got to the Christian camp Candela. It was very cool in this camp. I was in the Romanian group to study the Word of God with Brother Gregory Kioresko. I enjoyed studying the Bible and everything was good at this camp. This was the first time I got into such a camp. I never thought that it would be so interesting to go to a Christian camp. But the most important event for me was that I realized that I had to accept Jesus Christ in my heart as my personal Savior. I also pray for my mother so that she will come to know the Lord. Thanks again to everyone for such a great camp.

Paola Borzdova, 16 years old, Vanchikovtsi.

-Although I went to this camp many times and went to repentance, but now I realized that I need to restore my repentance. I had a very good leader and, in general, very good girls in the room where we lived all 5 days. Learning the Word was also great I also liked sports games, competitions, swimming pool and evening worship. We had good communication with friends, new friends appeared. Thank God that the Lord opened up to me in a new way and I want to serve Him and glorify His Name. Thank you for the camp! Be Blessed !

Erika, 11 years old, village of Koshuleni,

-I praise God and thank you all for getting a ticket to this Christian camp. And when there was a call to repentance, I could not help but answer this call. I have never been to such a camp. My parents are unbelievers, but thank God that they allowed me to spend 5 days in a Christian camp. I heard so much about God during these days, but the Lord revealed to me that I need to repent. And when the pastor was called to repentance, and that we ourselves would choose the path and purpose in our life, on the last day camp, then I could not sit indifferently to the call, I chose the path of Christ through repentance! May God help me on this path!

Sergey Vyntu, 12 years old, Novoselitsa.

-I was for the first time in this camp and I really liked it. And the Word of God penetrated into my heart. Thank you all who organized such a cool camp. Thank God that I accepted Christ in my heart! Pray for me so that I can serve Him with all my heart.

Denis Vyntu, 16 years old, Novoselytsia.

-I am from a believing family, but the Lord spoke through His Word in a special way in this camp. Thanks to everyone, both the teacher and the leaders for understanding us and treating us with love. Everything was fine in the morning, talking with the leaders and prayer in the morning , and exercises, and lessons from the book of Jacob. Also competitions and sports games, worship evenings and skits. I really wanted to have 5 more days in this camp. I am glad that I repented on the last evening of this camp. I pray that the Lord will strengthen me on this path.

Gorobchik Maxim, 17 years old, Novoselitsa.

-I was back in 2019 in this camp. I also went to various meetings organized for teenagers in the Emanuel Church, in Novoselitsa. I even repented then in the year 19. But 2 years passed and due to this Pandemic, I cooled down and my faith weakened. And the Lord did so that I again ended up in this camp and again to the teacher of brother Paul. And I rose as if from the ashes, the Word of God overshadowed me and reinforced me and I realized that I need to renew my repentance and serve only the Lord. Thank you all for this wonderful camp. The Lord works miracles in our days, Glory to Him!

Gorobchik Pasha, 16 years old, Novoselitsa.

-And I, like my brother Maxim, also not the first time in this camp. And I also renewed my repentance. Indeed, the time of the Pandemic left a very bad mark in my life. I just did not go to church for a long time because of the Pandemic and it affected badly in of my life. Then in the camp I realized that I did not need to deviate from the Word of God a single step, but every day to feed on the Word of Truth. And only the Truth will set us free. Thank God that Jesus Christ lives now in my heart! Thank you for this camp!

Andrey, 10 years old, Novoselitsa.

-I live with my mother, I do not have a father. Mother really goes to the Orthodox church and I sometimes go there, but I never understood the Word of God as I heard it in your camp. I went to the group of sister Tamara and she explained the Words to us in a very accessible way Bible. And I realized that I need to repent. And now, together with other children, I went forward to the call of the preachers to repentance. I believe that the Lord forgave me and is glad of this. I have already been invited to a meeting of children of believers in Novoselytsia. I am glad that I have contact with believing children. I want to serve the Lord, and I will read the Bible. Alla Popova gave me a Bible and I will read it. Thank you for such a wonderful camp.

Popov Timofey. 10 years old, Novoselytsia.

-I seem like the son of a pastor, and I realized that without repentance there is no real life in Christ. Although I always pray with my parents, but this time it was real repentance. I felt it in my soul. I am grateful to God for such a wonderful camp. I know from parents that sponsors, brothers and sisters, from the USA paid a lot for this camp, and I am very grateful to you for that. May the Lord bless you and return you a hundredfold blessings.

Denis Krigan, 14 years old, Tarasovites.

- I am very glad that I ended up in such a camp. I studied with the teacher Gregory Kioresko and the Word of God was very accessible and understandable to me. I liked the games and contests, swimming in the pool and various activities that were in this camp. I also liked the evenings of worship and scenes interesting. Thank God that He spoke to my heart and I realized that I had to go out and repent. And although my parents are unbelievers, I will pray for them too, so that they will know the Lord Christ. Pray for me and my parents.

Andrey Kitik, 13 years old, Tarasovites.

-Thank everyone for such a camp. It was very good. I liked the whole program from the camp. And the study of the Word was very accessible. I also liked the evenings of worship and fellowship with Christian youth. Although my parents are unbelievers, I really liked the worship in the morning with the leader of our group. It is a very strong feeling to have communication with God from the very morning. It kind of encourages the soul and then you walk cheerful all day. We had a very good leader and a good teacher. Thank you to them. Praise God for the fact that he was revealed to me through His Holy Word and I accepted Christ in my heart. I pray for my parents and for myself too that the Lord will strengthen me on God's path.

Raja Tsyganesku, 14 years old, Tarasovites.

-Thank God for finding me and forgiving all my sins. Thank you for the camp. Thank you for the trip to this camp. Thank you to all the sponsors who sponsored this camp. Thank God for the fact that He loves me and the whole world and waits for every person so , through the blood of Christ the Son of God, people were reconciled with God. And I pray for my parents so that they would know Jesus Christ and accept Him in their hearts as a Personal Savior. Pray for me too.

Dasha Budnikevich, 14 years old, Balkovtsy.

-I am very grateful to God and to all of you who organized this Christian camp and for the fact that I got a ticket to this camp. This is my first time in this camp and I really liked it. My mother is a believer, but my father does not like to go to the meeting. He does not forbid us to go to services and we pray for him, together with our mother, and the church in which we go. And yet, it was a great joy for me and my sister Masha (13 years old) that we accepted Christ as our Personal Savior in our hearts. We pray that the Lord will help us to walk confidently on His path.

Vatamanitsa Daniel, 16 years old, Nesvoya.

-And I want to thank everyone for this wonderful camp. Thank God for the Word sown in our hearts and I felt that I needed to repent. Although my father is a minister in the church, I realized that I must necessarily repent in order to become a child of God. Thanks for the trip, everything was very good. May the Lord bless you all!

Daniley Katya, 12 years old, Kotilevo.

-Very wonderful camp, I liked everything very much. And I am grateful to my mother for getting this voucher. Although she herself goes to the Orthodox church, she considered it necessary for me to go to this camp. And I am very glad that I ended up in such a Christian camp. I was in a Christian camp for the first time. The Word of God was very accessible to all of us. I was glad that the teacher, Brother Pavlo, taught us in Russian, because many of our group did not understand Romanian. Then brother Pavlo told us - Ok, I'll speak Russian. And the problem was solved by itself. These lessons were impressive for me. The most important thing is that I was able to reconsider my life and the life of Jesus Christ, and realized that I am a sinner and only in Jesus Christ through repentance I can have the Salvation of my soul. And I am glad that I took this important step on the last evening of our camp. I really enjoyed communicating with new friends and at the end had a wonderful bonfire where we glorified the Lord through songs together. Thanks again to all of you.

Nastya, 14 years old, Novoselytsia.

-Thanks everyone for this wonderful camp. It was my first time in such a camp, although my parents were not believers. But I felt very good here. The most important thing is that I have heard the Words of the Bible so much that I have never heard it in my entire life. These lessons were clear and accessible for me. And I am glad that the Lord revealed himself to me through His Holy Word and I repented and accepted Jesus Christ the Savior in my heart. I am forgiven and saved now!

Nystrean Emma, ​​11 years old, Tarasovites.

-I was at the lessons in the group of teacher Tamara. I really liked her lessons. And in the camp it was very fun and pleasant to meet new friends. I already have a lot of friends with whom we correspond. My parents are not believers, but I understood that believers very kind and nice people. I also realized that I need to repent and Thank God I took this step. Thank you all for such a wonderful camp.

Preutesa Valeria, 11 years old, Tarasovtsy.

-I also thank you all for such a wonderful camp. I went to the lessons to sister Tamara. Thank God that He opened up to me and I accepted Christ in my heart. I pray that the Lord will help me to walk on His Holy Path.

These and many more testimonies are from children and adolescents who repented in our camp. The parents of these children also expressed their gratitude to all of us and our sponsors of this camp. May the Lord bless you all brothers and sisters from the USA who have prayed and sponsored our Christian Camp Mission PIEI Ukraine, Candela. We ask you to pray for all these children and adolescents, there are many more of them than on this list, that the Lord bless their lives and their nonbeliever parents, so that these parents understand their children and visit the Houses of Prayer together. Pray for those who did not come out to repentance, so that the Holy Word sown in their hearts will bring forth the fruit of repentance.

Thanks again to all of you - our partners from the USA and may the Lord bless all of you, your families, your churches and your country USA!

With love to you, the Petihachny family, Pavel and Larisa.