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Camp in the Boyany


Dear brothers and sisters from the USA, we greet you with the Love of Jesus Christ!

Last week, from July 26 to July 31, we had a blessed Christian youth camp, in Boyany where 120 people, teenagers and children were present. The Lord miraculously blessed this camp, where 50 people repented. Thank God!

This camp was divided into 3 groups where children could study the Word of God. All children and adolescents studied the Word with love. Our teachers were: Petihachny Pavel, Kioresko Gregory and Tamara Buzdugan from Dinivtsi. Brother Pavel Petihachny taught his group in Russian, the book of James, Brother Kioresko Gregory taught in Romanian about righteousness Noah and the conduct of Lot from the book of Genesis. Sister Tamara Bozdugan had lectures for younger children from 8 to 11 years old. It was a favorable time, it was warm.

We are very happy and grateful to God that no one got sick, Thank God! Children swam, went in for sports and games. Every evening we had a praise program. There were inviting sermons from pastors who came to visit us and praise songs, skits, contests and games. 50 children and adolescents repented in the evening. We saw tears of repentance and we thank the Lord for this and pray further for these children.

Thank you all for funding this camp. May the Lord return all of you a hundred times more blessings. Thank you for praying for us and the Lord blessed us wonderfully. Then we will write the testimonies of those souls who repented. With love and gratitude to you, Paul and Larisa Petihachny.