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Bible lessons with the sisters


Greetings brothers and sisters from the United States - our partners in good news are here in Ukraine!

I thank the Almighty God for helping me to fulfill my ministry in fear and the Spirit of Truth.

1. Conducted a Bible session at the Bible Institute with 60 souls with whom he studied Revelation 1. These lessons were a consolation for everyone because they understood that after the ascension of Christ, Jesus is in the middle of the church by His Holy Spirit and holds His children in His hand and they are without fear can work in the Field of God without fear of this virus.

2. Conducted the breaking of bread in the churches of the villages of Nesvoya and Balkovtsi and at the same time helped the sick from these churches so that they too would participate in this service - the breaking of bread.

3. Conducted Bible lessons with the sisters in the church in the village of Nesvoya. They decided together how to help the sick and those in need and organized vegetable gardens for the elderly who cannot work. From these people there were many words of gratitude to these sisters and the church. People of this world from ours villages are surprised that the Church of Christ cares so much for those who need help.

4. Already started, together with the leaders, preparations for the camp in Boyany. We will program the program for the camp and other layouts. The camp will be held from July 26 to 31. We pray that the Lord will help us to conduct this youth camp in the Power of the Holy Spirit and that God will save everyone from everyone I am angry


-We are grateful to God that He gives us the strength to help the sick and those in need and at the same time to testify to them about Christ.

-Thank God that this month we were able to conduct Bible lessons with young families and children.

-Thank God for the fact that young families are constantly praising the Lord with worship programs both in our church and in other small churches in the neighborhood. By doing this they greatly encourage small churches.

-Always thank the Lord and for you, dear brothers and sisters from the United States, for the fact that you are a blessing for us and with these blessings you serve, together with us, in the Lord's Field, here in Ukraine.

6.Prayer Needs:

-Pray, together with us, that we can conduct a youth Christian camp of the PIEI Ukraine mission, in the Power of the Holy Spirit, and that this camp is under the protection of the Living God.

-Pray for the Baptismal ministries to be held in the churches of the PIEI Ukraine mission and that these ministries will be under the protection of God.

And we pray for you, our dear brothers and sisters from the USA, that the Lord bless you, your families and your churches. Please accept my heartfelt greetings from my family.

With love to you, the Petihachny family, Pavel and Larisa.