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Christian youth camp Candela


I want to praise God for helping us, last month, to organize and conduct a youth Christian camp of the PIEI Ukraine mission, called Candela (Lamp), and other spiritual events.

  1. The session with the leaders of the Bible Institute:

-At the beginning of the month we had a session with the leaders of the Bible Institute throughout Ukraine and we held it at ZUM where 100 teachers of the Bible Institute were present throughout Ukraine and taught the book of Ezekiel. It was a blessed session and after this session, we teachers created 30 study groups Bibles all over Ukraine, Thank God!

2. Christian youth camp Candela:


-With God's help, we held a Christian youth camp, non-stop, called Candela, from July 26 to July 31 in Boyany. In this camp of the PIEI Ukraine mission, there were 120 teenagers and one group of children from 8 to 11 years old. Thank God that 50 teenagers and children have repented! I taught one group of teenagers the book of the Apostle Paul from Jacob. This practical book led to a spiritual awakening in the souls of these young people - Thank God!


In our camp, there were 3 groups for the study of the Word. My group for the study of the Book of Jacob, the group of Kioresko's brother Gregory for the study of the book of Genesis, and the group of sister Tamara from Dynivtsi - the youngest group. We had 21 excellent leaders and thanks to them we had a complete order in the camp, May the Lord bless them. They helped us a lot in this difficult service. The Pastushak family Alex and Nadia also helped us a lot with photos and videos for the camp. This is a huge work for which we are very grateful to God and them. Blessed family- Thank God! We are grateful to God that no one fell ill with Covid 19 in this camp. The Lord protected us wonderfully and we saw many miracles in this camp where the Lord saved us all. We just do not have enough words of gratitude for the Lord for all His mercies and wonderful deeds to us sinners. He is Great and All-Powerful, Loving and Merciful, Protector and Savior-Glory to Him forever and ever Amen!

All children and adolescents expressed their gratitude for having the opportunity to relax in this camp. They also thanked all the sponsors who sponsored this camp. May God bless you all and give all sponsors a hundredfold blessing.

3. Baptisms:

On August 1, I was invited to the village of Rokitne, where brother Gregory Kioresko is a pastor, to the church where the baptism of 3 souls was carried out - Thank God! I also preached to this evangelistic meeting. Thank God that many non-believers came and heard the Word of God. We pray for these people.


-We are grateful to God that in this camp, the PIEI UKRAINE mission, no one got sick.

-We are grateful to God for 50 young people who repented in this camp.

-We are grateful to God and sponsors from America who sponsored this camp.

-We are grateful to God that there are souls who want to make a covenant with Jesus Christ through water Baptism.

5.Prayer Needs:

-Pray for those who repented that they would continue to learn the Word and grow spiritually.

-Pray for those who were baptized so that they will continue to burn for Christ and for His glorification.

-In other churches, our missionaries will have baptisms, pray that they can lead them in the power of the Holy Spirit.

-Pray for my health and the health of my family.

We always pray for you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA - our partners in evangelism in ministry in Ukraine. May the Lord bless you, your families, your churches and your country with peace and health!

With love to you, the Petihachny family, Pavel and Larisa.