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Pray for peace in Ukraine


Greetings to you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA, with the love and peace of Jesus Christ!

I magnify God, through Jesus Christ, for the fact that He holds me and my family in His hands and I pray that He would give us the power of the Holy Spirit to glorify Christ in difficult circumstances and not lose heart.

1. Glorifications:

-We conduct lessons with 10 young families from our church who study the Word and at the same time prepare evangelistic programs in order to conduct them on the streets and in the church.

-We conduct Bible lessons at the Rehabilitation Center (Lukovtsy village, Chernivtsi region) where our son-in-law Michael (the husband of our daughter Angelica) serves there and prepares these people to repent and accept Christ as their personal Savior.

-I taught Bible lessons in the church of the village of Nesvoya, where I taught the 15th chapter of the Gospel of John.

-I spent the bread-breaking service in the church of the village of Nesvoi and the village of Balkovtsi, and also visited 2 young families who could not come to the congregation and I held a bread-breaking service there.

- We held a Bible session with 12 students from the Bible Institute who are preparing for ministry in Ukraine.


-Our church, together with the youth, are preparing for the evangelistic meetings that we will hold on May 2 and 3 in connection with the celebration of Easter in our Ukraine. We pray that the Lord will help us celebrate Easter in peace in the country and that everyone is healthy. We still adhere to the distance and sanitary conditions due to the Pandemic. We hope that there will be no war with Russia. All hope is in the Lord. All our churches fast and pray that the Lord will be merciful to us, but everything is God's will.


-Thank you for your prayers and financial help.

-Thank God for giving us health and we can preach Christ even at this time of fear of war and fear of Pandemic.

-Thank God for the fact that we can still work among unbelieving people and many of them are looking for God.

3.Prayer requests:

-Pray for peace in Ukraine, because it is possible to expand this war, which is now going on in eastern Ukraine, so that the war would be throughout Ukraine. The news that we hear about the war is disappointing. Only the Lord can stop all this. Our churches all pray and fast before God, so that the Lord would have mercy on us and save us from war.

-Pray that all missionaries and their families will be saved by God from the Pandemic.

-Pray for our youth who are working in the Lord's Field, so that the Lord will save them from the evil one and from sickness.

Dear brothers and sisters, we also pray for you and love you. May the Lord richly bless you and your families! Accept the heartfelt greetings from my family.

With love, the Petihachny family, Pavel and Larisa.