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The missionary meeting


We greet you brothers and sisters from the USA with the love of our Lord Jesus Christ!

I am grateful to God that He helped me and at the beginning of this month to complete my ministry in the Power of the Holy Spirit and all these circumstances served for the success of the gospel.

1.The fourth wave of the Pandemic:

-We have already received the 4th wave of the Pandemic in Ukraine, which again brought many deaths and many people became seriously ill. Now all hospitals in Chernivtsi are full of patients and are already delivering patients to regional hospitals (in Novoselitsa, Hertsy, Glubokoe, Storozhinets). We pray, all children God, for the Lord to stop this virus and to heal sick people. Our churches again keep their distance and observe a sanitary regime. We hope that when it gets warmer it will be better. May the Lord help us all!

2. Evangelism:

-Recently we had an Evangelization in the church of the village of Rokitne, where the pastor brother Gregory Kioresko is. I was invited there to preach. Thank God that the Lord used me for this work. At this evangelization there were many unbelievers who listened attentively to the Word of God, and at the end of this evangelization, all participants were given packets of seeds to sow their gardens, and they were also given Christian brochures. All these unbelievers were invited to come to our services. ...


3.Meeting of the missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission:

- On March 12, our missionaries, missions of PIEI Ukraine, had a meeting in the house of prayer, House of Peace, and also had a virtual meeting with Brother Cornel Steph via the Internet. It was a very useful meeting for us. Together with our missionaries, we discussed with Brother Cornel about further serving the mission PIEI. We prayed together. We really miss those groups of brothers and sisters from the USA and Romania who came to us in Ukraine in those years when this Pandemic was not. All our missionaries were very grateful to brothers and sisters from the USA for their support in our ministry Everyone is grateful to God for you, dear ones, and we always pray for you, for your families, for your churches, and for America. May the Lord bless you all with health and reward you a hundredfold. Brother Cornel Steph was present at this meeting, 8 missionaries, one translator and secretary: 11 people in total.

4. Bible Study:

- Conducted Bible lessons in the church of Nesvoi on the topic "About the last judgments that God will perform over the earth and what will happen to the church at this time." Bible.


- We held a baptismal ceremony in the churches of the village of Nesvoi and in Balkovtsi, and did everything possible so that the sick in these churches would participate, and they, in this service.


-Thank God for you brothers and sisters from the USA, for praying for us and helping us financially in our ministry in Ukraine.

-Thank God for protecting us and all our missionaries and our families from the Pandemic.

-Thanks to God for the fact that in all our churches, despite the Pandemics, they are engaged with young people and children.

-Thank God that there are sister meetings in our churches, where they organize wonderful services of prayer and works of mercy.

-Thanks to God for helping us, missionaries of the PIEI Mission, to have a virtual meeting with Brother Cornel Steph, Director of Mission PIEI International.

7.Prayer requests:

-Pray, together with us, that the Lord will help us to conduct, this summer, the youth Christian camp of the mission PIEI Ukraine.

- So that this virus will lose its power and we can organize evangelism in orphanages and public schools, as before.

-To end the quarantine and everything to be good, so that we continue to have lively communication with missionaries from Romania and other countries of the world.

May the Lord bless you, dear brothers and sisters, our partners in ministry for Christ in Ukraine! We love you and pray for you. Accept my heartfelt greetings from my family.

With love, the Petihachnakh family, Pavel and Larisa.