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Christ is risen! Christ is truly Risen!


Dear brothers and sisters, our partners in evangelism in Ukraine from the United States, we welcome you on the holiday of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Christ is risen! Christ is truly Risen!

I am very grateful to God that He helped me to accomplish a lot of evangelism in small churches on these holidays.

1. The first evangelization was performed with young families, with our choir and youth to the church of the village of Nesvoya, and after this evangelization one soul repented - Glory to God. She is a former classmate of my wife (her name is Shema). Immediately after repentance, she glorified the Lord through a wonderful psalm. She has a very beautiful voice. There were 7 more unbelievers at this evangelization, for whom we pray that the Lord would test their hearts for repentance.


The second evangelization, on the second day of Easter, was held in the church in the village of Podvirne, and after this evangelization one woman of 50 years old repented - Thank God! There was another middle-aged family at this evangelization who asked me a lot of questions. With God's help, I answered all their questions. I asked them if they did not want to accept Christ in their hearts, and they replied that they would still go to our meetings. We all told them that we would pray for your family. We pray for them that the Lord touched their hearts and that God would give them revelations for repentance.

2.Visits to churches:

I visited a church in the village of Kotilevo, where I also preached an evangelistic sermon. After this evangelization, the unbelievers who were there asked us many questions. We also pray for these people.

In two churches, I held bread-breaking services, and also visited those who wanted to participate in the bread-breaking at home.


-Brothers and sisters, we are very grateful to you for your prayers and support that helps me in my evangelistic ministry.

-Thank the Lord for the fact that all our missionaries, from the PIEI Ukraine mission, and their families are alive and well and are working hard in God's field.

-Thank God for the fact that the war did not start throughout Ukraine.

4.Prayer Needs:

-Pray, together with us, that the war will stop in these 2 regions of Ukraine, Donetsk and Lugansk. For 7 years, as long as the war has been going on there, more than ten thousand young guys have died who defended Ukraine from enemy attacks.

-Pray for those non-believers who visit our churches and who have heard the Word of God, that the Lord would touch their hearts and reveal Himself to them through His Word, and they would accept Jesus Christ in their hearts.

-Pray for the young families from our church who are helping me in my evangelistic ministry so that they will all be healthy and protected by God from disease.

-Pray that this year we will be able to carry out baptisms according to the New Testament, in all our churches. Because of the Pandemic, it is now difficult to conduct these events.

-To be able to conduct children's Christian camps, day camps, at churches and a youth camp Non Stop in Boyany. We hope that God will help us.

We pray for you brothers and sisters from the USA. May the Lord bless you and return you a hundredfold blessings! We pray for you that the Lord will give you a lot of health and save you all from this Pandemic.

My family sends you all hearty greetings in the Name of Jesus Christ!

With love to you, the Petihachny family, Pavel and Larisa.