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Social aid

Dear brothers and sisters from the USA, we greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

We are very grateful to God for His mercies and for His protection and support at the beginning of this year, 2025. Because this terrible war in Ukraine has been going on for almost 3 years now and only by the grace of God, in our region, where we live, it is calm and peaceful, without bombing, but in the East, South, even the North of Ukraine, alas ... it is terrible what is happening. All our churches are fasting and praying that the Lord will stop this senseless and terrible war, that the Lord will give wisdom to all presidents so that the long-awaited peace in Ukraine will be restored. We hope only in the Lord.

1. We thank the Lord for His blessings at the beginning of this year when we served widows, orphans, displaced persons and other people in need. Thank God that these people listened to the Word of God, and gratefully accepted these social assistance packages that our church, together with our mission PIEI Ukraine, prepared for them, and they sincerely thanked the Lord God.

2. Breaking Bread and evangelism in connection with the funeral:

At the beginning of February, our church had a breaking of bread, where they took communion in memory of the suffering and death of our Savior Jesus Christ. They also visited our sick from the church, where they were very happy that they had the opportunity to take part in the breaking of bread.

- Also this Sunday, after lunch, we had a funeral for one 64-year-old brother from our church (brother Georgy Mikhailovich). He had his own bakery and baked bread for our entire village, as well as for people from neighboring villages. Therefore, more than 200 unbelievers came to the funeral. This was a good evangelism, where the Word of God was preached by the Power of the Holy Spirit. Our choir also glorified God through singing. We pray for these people who listened to the Word of God, so that the Lord will test their hearts for repentance. We also pray for the wife of brother George, sister Lilia, who was left a widow, so that the Lord will comfort her. We also pray for the family of their son Igor, so that they will repent.

3. Study of the Word

- We finished studying the textbook Revelation - Part 1 with the students. We will continue these classes that the students are looking forward to. They liked this book. And with God's help, we will continue to study it.

4. Meeting in ZOOM

- We had a ten-day meeting with the teachers of the Bible Institute in ZOOM. We studied the Book of Isaiah together - the first part. A very interesting and edifying book. We will try to teach this book to groups of students of the institute and to church groups.

5. Thanksgiving

- We thank God for His protection and protection in this difficult time of war for us. - We thank the Lord for you, brothers and sisters from the USA, who are our partners in the ministry here in Ukraine. For your prayerful and material support. Thanks to you, we can help people here who need our help.

- We thank God for the answered prayers and His help to us.

- We thank God for the blessing in our ministry to widows and orphans, which we had at the beginning of this year.

6. Prayer requests:

- Pray with us that the Lord would help us restore peace in Ukraine.

- That God would give wisdom to all presidents to make peace and that this terrible war would end, where so many people are dying.

- Pray for those people who heard the Word of God this month at evangelism among widows and orphans, among displaced persons, at a funeral service where more than 200 people listened to the Word. That the Lord would test their hearts for repentance.

- Pray for us that the Lord would protect us from all evil and that our evangelistic ministries God would bless abundantly. May the Holy Word sown among people bring forth much fruit of repentance.

And we always pray for you brothers and sisters from the USA and wish you abundant blessings from our Lord.

With love to you, the Petikhachnyy Pavel & Larisa family.