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Sister conference

Greetings, dear brothers and sisters from the USA, with the love and peace of Jesus Christ!

I thank God that we live under His protection in these anxious days of war for us. The war in Ukraine has been raging for 270 days and all our people are waiting for this bloody war to end. On November 15, the enemy fired more than 100 rockets against all cities of Ukraine. They want to break the entire infrastructure of Ukraine so that we do not have electricity. Of course, it is difficult for us here because of these inconveniences, because without electricity there is no mobile communication and other communication with the people around us. On November 15 and 16, our electricity was turned off for the whole day and at night the lights were turned off 2 times. But thank God that we were not bombed and so far it is quiet in our area. And in other cities of Ukraine, it is very difficult. They bomb and break, and subsequently innocent people die.

Thank God that we have people, especially believers, everyone believes that the Lord is our Savior and He will protect us from all these troubles. Yes, there is no light, but the Light of Christ burns in our hearts, in our families, in our churches and we will be able to convey this Light to people who are perishing in the darkness of sin. We always trust in the Lord and hope in Him.

1. Prayers:

-We have round-the-clock prayer groups in Bukovina and our churches of the PIEI UKR mission. They also participate in these prayers for peace in Ukraine. May the Lord hear us and help us to end this war.

-There was also a worldwide prayer of sisters on November 7, on the theme of the victorious life in Christ from 2 Corinthians 2:14. All the sisters from our Baptist brotherhood united on this day in prayer for all the people of our planet Earth.

-And on November 12, we had a sister conference on the topic: Peace in a time of war. Based on this conference, there was a verse from John 14:27. I give you my peace ...

There was a wonderful conference where almost 500 sisters from all the churches of our region participated. There were testimonies of sisters of migrants from Avdiivka, Kherson, Mariupol, and from Kharkiv. The southeast of Ukraine went through these sufferings of the war. There was a Word from the Lord, how we should be confident in the Word of the Lord and trust our God during this earthly storm, during this war. There were prayers of the sisters who prayed in tears that the Lord would protect us and our country from this war. Glory to God for such an army of sisters who pray for peace in Ukraine, for the ministers of our churches, and for the awakening to repentance of many hearts that are still lost in their sins. We all believe that the Lord will hear the prayers of our sisters and give us victory in Christ Jesus.

2. Social assistance

-In Chernivtsi, a woman with children who do not have anything to eat turned to me for help. Yesterday, November 15, I visited them and helped with the food that I took from our church in Nesvoya. I spoke to them about God and called them to repentance. They said, yes, you need to repent in order to be with God. I promised them that I would visit them again and of course I would bring food and other household necessities, but I want to explain to them more the Word of God. We pray for these people.

3. Help on the front line

-Brother Gregory Kioresko again took 2 buses with humanitarian aid to the front line, where everything is destroyed and people have no electricity, no water, no gas. We always pray for him so that the Lord will protect him on a journey that is not safe at the present time.

-Our, 8 more missionaries, also serve here, on the spot, our migrants who live among us. We try to bring them packages with essential products on time and tell them about the love of Christ. We pray for each of these migrants. We are glad that many of them these migrants visit our prayer houses and read the Bible that they received from us as a gift.

4. Session

- Conducted a session at the Bible Institute. This session was based on the Gospel of Matthew. All students studied this book with great diligence.

-The next session I will spend with them on the basis of the textbook "Names of God".

5. Thanksgiving:

-I thank God and you for your help. It helps us a lot.

-Thank you for your prayers for us. We feel your prayers and we also pray for you that the Lord bless you.

-All of our missionary wives thank Sister Martha Hauck of La Porte, Indiana for the help she has given to our missionary wives. May the Lord bless her.

-We thank the Lord for the fact that we are still calm and our region is not bombed. For the protection of God.

Prayer Needs:

-Pray for us so that the Lord will protect us further. So that we do not lose electricity, the Internet and telephone communications.

-Pray for our brother missionary Kioresco Gregory and his team, who go 2 times a month to the front lines in the cities destroyed by the war to bring humanitarian aid to people.

- So that we, the rest of the missionaries, do not get tired of helping the settlers who are with us in Bukovina.

-Pray for an end to the war in Ukraine.

We always pray and bless you brothers and sisters from the USA. May the Lord bless you a hundredfold for your sacrifice for Ukraine. Say hello to all our evangelism partners from the USA from our missionaries from the PIEI Ukraine mission. We love you and pray for you.

With love to you, the Petikhachny family, Pavel and Larisa.