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Preparation of new students

We greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ, dear brothers and sisters of the PIEI America mission.

I am grateful to the Lord God for His protection and the support that I feel in every minute of my life. For a peaceful sky overhead to our region where we live, although in Ukraine it has been 285 days since the war has been going on. We now have electricity cut off very often at night, and during the day, so we often do not have the Internet, which means there are no connections with the world. Even mobile phones are muffled. But we thank God that we are not bombed and so far we are calm by the grace of God.

Now all our missionaries are busy helping the settlers who live among us. They visit them, bring food for them. Thank God that we have such an opportunity to help these people who are in trouble.

And of course we thank you, brothers and sisters from the USA, for supporting us in this ministry through your donations and through your prayers for us.

1.Preparation of new students

- I gave lessons at the Bible Institute on the topic: “The faith that God praises.” Through these lessons I want to prepare new disciples for churches in our area, because there is a need for young ministers.

2. Regional conference with ministers of churches

-I helped the brothers, leaders of the regional office, to organize this conference with the ministers of our region on the topic: "A book in the life of a minister."

This conference brought together about 30 ministers of our churches from the area who listened to wonderful lessons. At the end of this conference, each minister received 20 spiritual books. All of these books direct each minister to the Bible and its study.

3.Missionary visits

-I visited all the missionaries of the PIEI UKR mission in order to encourage them in this difficult ministry that they carry out among the settlers and at the same time with people in need from our region. I was interested in how we can help them so that they can serve in their villages in the power of the Holy Spirit, as they have served before.

4. He held communal services in three churches and at the same time visited the sick in these churches. Mini gospel meetings were held at each patient's home and preached about the sufferings of our Lord Jesus Christ.

5. News.

-Recently, more than 100 missiles were thrown in Ukraine by the enemy, and then every day they throw fewer missiles in order to destroy the Ukrainian infrastructure and electricity. This is all so that we do not have electricity, the Internet, water, gas and phones. Of course, we have a very difficult time, but when we think about what our brothers and sisters in faith who live without light and water on the front line. We praise God that we have not yet been bombed and we can calmly serve God. And we pray for those who have a very difficult to adapt to the front line.

6. Thanksgiving:

-Thanks to the PIEI America mission for helping all the missionaries so that they can help others in need.

-Thank you for your prayers for the brother of the missionary Kyoresko Gregory, who travels 2 times a month on a microbus with humanitarian aid for people who live in cities where the war has destroyed everything. And there people need help.

7. Prayer requests:

-Pray with us for an end to the war and peace in Ukraine.

-Pray for missionary pastor Gregory Pastushak who will conduct water baptism in December in his church. Pray for this baptism.

-Pray for the missionary pastor Kioresko, who will go again with social assistance to the cities destroyed in Ukraine to help people who live there in difficult conditions. For God to protect him and his team from all evil along the way.

-December 5, 2022, Alina Martsinyuk, our translator, will have surgery on her right leg. She fell and broke her leg. Pray that everything goes well.

-Pray for all the families of our missionaries that the Lord will protect us, our wives, our children and our grandchildren in this difficult time for us.

We also pray for you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA, that the Lord bless you and protect you from all evil. We love you and pray for you.

With love to you, the Petikhachny family, Pavel and Larisa.