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Study Word to Church

Greetings with the love and peace of Jesus Christ, dear brothers and sisters from the USA!

I am very grateful to the Lord for helping me during these two weeks in preaching His Word to our land where we live and in this dangerous time for us.

-More than 250 days have already passed since a full-scale war is going on in Ukraine. During these two weeks

in Bukovina, 3 missiles from the enemy side were shot down and one exploded over the electric current distributor in the Dniester district, in the Novodniestrovskaya power plant. Restoration work is underway now. The enemy wants to leave us without electricity so that we would not have contact with each other. But we trusted our God and He will protect us from enemy missiles.

-We, the missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission, despite these events, continue to preach the Gospel and work with refugees from our region and with refugee families whose fathers and husbands defend Ukraine at the forefront.

1. Study Word to Church:

-To our church from Nesvoi, over the past month, I conducted 3 lessons from the book of Revelation from chapters 19 to 22 to the church, which say what will happen after Daniel's 70 weeks. Unbelievers who attend our church were also present at these lessons. We pray for them too.

2. Patient visits:

-I was invited to pray over a woman with cancer and my wife and I visited this family where we prayed that the Lord would have mercy on our sister in the Lord and that God would heal her. She cried a lot and prayed a prayer of repentance and that, if the will of the Lord, God healed her of this illness. She is 59 years old and she wants to be next to her husband and daughter's family so that they serve the Lord.

-I also visited our missionary brother Vasily Preutes. He told us about his problems and we prayed together with his family, and also praised God that God had saved their lives: his and the lives of his granddaughters Yulia and Valeria, as well as his daughter-in-law Christina. They were in the car together when this accident happened. Thank God that everyone is alive and well.

-We called our missionary Alex Pastushak to find out how he is doing. We always pray for his family and are glad that God saved their lives, Alex, Nadia and son Marik, after that terrible accident that happened to them. His leg is still in the cast and the concussion are going away a bit. Nadya can already serve her family to cook for them, thank God. We continue to pray for them.

-I visited the sick and gave them holy communion from the communion. They were glad that they could take part in holy communion and remember the suffering and death of our Savior Jesus Christ. I did this in three settlements.

3.Help those in need:

-I carried social packages with food for people in need: the sick and the displaced. They thanked and praised the Lord for not forgetting them in this difficult time through our brothers and sisters of believers.

4. Thanksgiving:

-We are very grateful to the Lord for the fact that He protected us this month from enemy missiles and we are still quiet and calm. We are glad that we can serve the Lord by helping other people who are in dire need.

-We thank the Lord for saving our brother Gregory Kioresko on the road towards Kyiv, where he, with his team, carried humanitarian aid to people who went through the suffering of this war.

-We thank the Lord for you, brothers and sisters from the USA, for not forgetting us in your prayers and supporting us both materially and spiritually. Thank God that we have such brothers and sisters.

5. Prayer needs:

- Our dear ones, please pray with us for the end of the war in Ukraine. Only God can stop this terrible evil that the enemy is doing.

-Pray that they don't bomb us. They want to destroy all communications, and at the moment it is electricity. Therefore, they are trying to get where the power plants are. We believe that only God can protect us.

-Pray for our sister in the Lord, Jeta, that the Lord heal her from cancer.

-Pray for our missionaries, brother Alex Pastushak, that God will heal him further, so that he can walk normally.

-Pray also for our missionary Kioresco Grigory, who will still travel to the depths of our Ukraine with humanitarian aid, closer to the front, where they are waiting for this help. That the Lord would protect him and the team from all evil and from rocket arrivals. Because there are these arrivals happen every day. May the Lord save us all from such a misfortune, because we cannot even know where such arrivals are waiting for us.

-Pray for all our missionaries so that the Lord will protect us and our families so that we can continue to work in His Field.

We always pray for you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA, that the Lord bless all of you and your families.

Praying for the PIEI America annual mission meeting in Chicago on November 4th and 5th. May the Lord bless this meeting and all the participants and missionaries who will come to this meeting. We will support you all in our prayers.

Send my heartfelt regards from me and my family to everyone I know and to whom you know us. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for what you do for us. Be blessed!

With love to you, the Petikhachny family, Pavel and Larisa.