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Evangelization of people

We greet you, dear brothers and sisters, with the Love of Jesus Christ.

-I am very grateful to God for helping me to carry out the ministry in His Field with great success.

1.Evangelization of people:

-We organized in the church of the village of Balkovtsy (our neighbouring village), the holiday of the Harvest. On this holiday, our youth choir glorified God and I preached the main sermon. We have been supporting this church even further since the pastor of the church and his family went abroad during the time of war. I wrote above that I had great success in evangelizing this small church because that day the church was filled with unbelievers. Three of them said they wanted to become believers, because when they listened to the youth choir, they told us, that they felt as if they were in paradise. We thank God for the fact that He worked so wonderfully on the hearts of these people. We rejoice that they continue to attend the church regularly since then and pray for them. The ministers of our church from Nesvoia support this small church by visiting them and strengthening them in the Word.

2. Session at the Bible Institute:

-I taught the students of the Bible Institute, Matthew, part 2. In the middle of the session, we all organized mini-evangelizations among the people we met in the streets around the city. The students practiced what they learnt and told people about what is written in Mathew part 2. It is very interesting in our time that we have not met such people who do not want to study or listen to the Word of God. We gave them addresses so that they could continue this study.

3.News from our missionaries:

-Unfortunately, not everything is so smooth and good for our missionaries. There are illnesses and other difficulties.

-Last week, our missionary brother Alex Pastushak had a car accident. He was driving with his family to the village where his parents once lived when another car hit them badly. Thank God that everything is fine with their son Mark, but Alex has a fractured left leg and both Alex and Nadia have a concussion. Yesterday, on Thursday, they were discharged from the hospital. Nadia's knees hurt a lot. And Alex was put in a cast on his leg. Thank God that they are already on the mend. The car was severely smashed, but Thank God that they survived.

- The family of the missionary Preutesa Vasily also got into a car accident a week earlier when the accident happened to Alex. The car of the missionary Preutesa was badly smashed in the back. Brother Vasily was slightly hurt, but the granddaughters, Julia, Valeriia and his daughter-in-law Christina, who were in the car, thank God are fine.

4. Social assistance to refugees.

- Our missionary brother, Grigory Kioresko, carried twice, humanitarian aid for people affected by this war in Kyiv, in Gostomel, in Bucha and in Irpin. These people are in great need of food and they are very happy and thankful when our brothers, help them getting everything they need.

5. Thanksgiving:

-We are grateful to God for our missionaries Alex Pastushak and his family, and Vasily Preutesa with his family for staying alive after such severe accidents.

-We are very grateful to God and you, for your prayers and for your help, which gives us strength to serve and help more the refugees who stay here and live among us.

-We are grateful to God that God protected our missionary brother Grisha Kioresko and he was able to go many times to the places where the war caused great destruction, and brought food and humanitarian aid there. Now it is very dangerous to go there because missiles often fly in from the enemy side. Although the Chernovtsy region has not been bombed yet, (the only region which wasn’t attacked by rockets since the beginning of the war) three missiles have already been fired near Chernivtsi. Thank God! We live only by His grace.

6. Prayer requests:

-Pray for missionary Alex Pastushak and for his family that God will give them a full recovery.

-Pray for the missionary Vasily Preutesa that he will also get out of this crisis situation. His car was badly damaged.

-Pray for the missionary Kioresco Grigory, so that when he goes to bring humanitarian aid in the areas affected by the war, that the Lord will protect him on the road and during his stay there, among those people.

-Pray for all our missionaries who decided to stay here to serve God and people in such a difficult time for us, when the war is going on throughout Ukraine. Pray so that we can help the refugees who stay here to spend the winter with us with all our love and patience.

-Pray that the arrivals of the enemy missiles that want to destroy everything in Ukraine will stop. Pray for peace in our region so that we can serve people in need.

We always pray for you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA. Thank you for your love towards us and for your help. May the Lord fill all your needs and return you a hundredfold everything that you have sacrificed for us. Be blessed!

With love to you, the Petikhachny family, Pavel and Larisa