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The Annual Report of the PIEI Ukraine National Ministry  for the Year 2022

1. Repentance and Baptisms:

- Year 2022 was a difficult year for our ministry, difficult for the whole country of Ukraine, because on February 24, 2022 the war with Russia started in Ukraine. Despite all the circumstances, the Lord helped us because, following the work of the 9 missionaries from the PIEI Ukraine mission, 250 people were already converted and 33 people received the New Testimonial baptism - praise God for these spiritual fruits!

2. The work at the Biblical Theological Institute:

- This year, 6 sessions were taught at the Institute. Through these sessions we prepare new disciples for God`s work in Ukraine. 50 students who studied the Bible participated in these sessions.

3. Camps:

- During this war in Ukraine, the government forbade everybody to organize camps, so to hold the traditional PIEI youth camp we changed it in the documents as 5 days seminars. – Thus, 150 young people and children (70 % of the young people were from unbelieving families) could come to the PIEI youth camp and 56 of whom repented - Glory be to God.

- Each missionary from the PIEI Ukraine mission organized VBSs for children in their local churches, where 460 children and adolescents participated. Among the local children many of the refugee’s children who live in those localities also went to the VBS.

4. Work with orphans:  

- Right from the beginning of the year, in January, we organized the Orphan`s Christmas celebration for the orphaned children. We gathered 200 orphaned children, we fed them and he gave them 200 gifts of sweets and fruits.

- During the year, 2 meetings were held with these children, where they were fed well and again, received gifts.

5. Work with Refugees:

- Right from the beginning of the war, the PIEI  Ukraine missionaries worked a lot on the distribution of refugees coming from the North, East, and South of Ukraine, to our region  in the West of Ukraine. We have been feeding them and finding them shelters. We gave them shelter in local houses, in churches, schools, and even our own homes. Throughout these 7 months of war we tried to help them with food, clothing, shoes, toys, school supplies, etc. items that we have been receiving abundantly from our missionary brothers from the PIEI Romania mission. They visited us several times with vans loaded with humanitarian aid for the refugees.

- Now we are trying to find houses that have heating for the refugees so that they can live in warmth, because winter is approaching.

6. Help for soldiers who are fighting and for the people who need help:

- The PIEI Ukraine missionaries   took many buses loaded with food products for the people who stayed in the cities where battles are held and who couldn’t flee. (in the cities such as Irpini, Bucea, Borodeanca). Even now, in September, they took a van overloaded with food to Gostomel - a town below Kyiv that suffered a lot as a result of this war.


7. Evangelism:

- This summer the Lord helped us a lot so that a group of brothers and sisters from a church in Indiana, USA came to minister with us in Ukraine on a short term mission trip. And despite the war, many evangelizations were held among the refugee s in our parts and especially with the refugees in the following localities: the city of Czernowitz, the villages of Dinautsi, Rakitna, Tarasautsi, Noua  Sulitsa, Cotileu, Nesvoia.

- We did these evangelistic meetings, together with the team from the USA, home visits in the homes where the non-Christian refugees live. There were also people who repented. Also, we held meetings with the families of those soldiers who fought in the front line of the war. We prayed with them, we gave them food, aid and promised them that we will continue to pray for them and take care of them.

– We also had meetings with the soldiers who serve our country and went to fight in the war. We supplied each soldier with bulletproof vests, where we put a New Testament on each of them and covered them with prayer. We also gave each soldier first aid kits. We had a meeting with 100 soldiers and we are preparing to do more meetings with God’s help.

8. The Work on Radio Bucovina: 

- We have 2 missionaries in the PIEI Ukraine ministry who hold broadcasts on radio Bucovina. Through their radio programs, they encourage all the inhabitants of the Czernowitz region, even the refugees who live in our region.

9. Thanks:

- We thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for your prayers, for the prayer groups that pray unceasingly for Ukraine, for the prayers of the churches in the USA because you are constantly praying for the missionary work here, thank you for the sponsors and partners who support the missionary work in Ukraine and for the humanitarian help that you sent us at the right time so that we could serve those who are in need here, especially the refugees who live among us.

10. Prayer Requests:

·       Pray together with us, so that we can find heated houses for the refugees.

·       So that throughout the winter we have food and warm clothes for the refugees who are in the Chernivtsi region and for those on the front line.

·       To be able to organize youth and children’s camps.

·       To be able to work with orphans and the elderly.

·       For the end of the war in Ukraine.