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Humanitarian aid from Romania

Blessed be the Lord who gives us His revelations, blessings, and help to refugees every day.

1. This month, as a PIEI Ukraine mission, we received from the PIEI America and PIEI Romania missions the third Humanitarian Transport of two humanitarian vehicles led by the President of the PIEI Cornel Stef mission. They arrived early in the morning, on Sunday, and before unloading these cars, we planned these brothers in 3 churches: the Church from the village of Rakitnoe where Brother Timothy Stanya and Brother Beni from Romania preached, and in Dinivtsi Brother Cornel Steph and brother from the USA Walter Windsor. Rodika, where Rodika's sister sang a song to the glory of the Lord and Brother Alex preached the Word and encouraged the church with the Word of God. After the service, everyone came to Novoselitsa and unloaded these 2 cars with the help that the brothers brought to us so that we could continue to help and distribute them to our refugees. We heartily thanked our brothers for this necessary help in our troubled times. After a delicious lunch, we met again in another room with our missionaries and their families, and with our guests from the PIEI America & Romania mission: Brother Cornell Steph, Brother Walter, Popa Alex, and Rodica's family, Brother Timothy Stanya, PIEI Romania Mission Director. , and brother Beni from Romania. These brothers encouraged us, the missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission and our wives, with their speeches so that we could serve all people and refugees in Ukraine during this difficult time.

-All our missionaries were very grateful to all the brothers and sisters from Romania and the United States who collected and brought us this humanitarian. If they did not help us, we would not be able to help refugees and all those in need, and at the same time preach the Word of God would they accept Jesus Christ in their hearts.

-In the evening I accompanied all our guests to the border with Romania. We were glad to hear that our guests arrived safely in Romania, and our guests from the United States arrived safely in America, we prayed about it-Thank God!

2. On Sunday, June 5, he conducted bread breaks in two churches in Nesvoi and Balkovtsi. After the service, we visited the sick and conducted mini evangelizations in their homes. We also gave them the opportunity to participate in the bread breaks.

-On the same day I returned to Chernivtsi from the church of the village of Nesvoya, and I conducted bread breaks with the sick who live in Chernivtsi. I preached the Word in their homes and together they remembered the death and suffering of our Lord Jesus Christ.

3. According to ZOOM, I conducted classes at the Bible Institute with 15 students. With these classes, I prepare new students so that they can continue to serve in churches with young people, with children, and with the Church of Christ.


-We always thank God for you, dear brothers and sisters from the United States and Romania, for supporting us spiritually and with your prayers, at the same time and materially, when you really help us in this difficult time for us. We thank you for these 3 transport with humanitarian aid and thanks to this we can help people in need and refugees with food and other assistance.

-Thank God that He saved the lives of our missionaries and that they can serve people in word and deed.

We thank the Lord for the group of Americans and missionaries from Romania who visited us, encouraged us, and brought help to refugees and those in need.

5. Prayer needs:

-Pray that the war is over.

-Pray for a group of 8 brothers and sisters from America who should come to us in Ukraine, on June 29, so that they can get to us safely, so that we have a peaceful sky in the Chernivtsi region, and so that they can work with refugees.

- Pray for us, the missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission, so that we can properly organize the arrival of the group from the United States and the time of their stay here with us so that they can succeed in evangelism among our refugees, here in our places.

We also pray for you, dear brothers and sisters, that the Lord may bless you all and return to you a hundredfold blessing for you and your families.

My family sends you all a Christian Greetings!

With love, the family of Petikhachny Pavel and Larisa.