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Ministry with the team from USA

Dear brothers and sisters from the USA, we greet you with the love and peace of Jesus Christ!

We are very grateful to God for the fact that this month he led us with His Wonderful Hand and we were able to preach His Word among the refugee people, together with a team of brothers and sisters from the USA.

1. Evangelism in refugee homes:

-June 29, with God's help and thanks to the prayers of your and our churches, a team of 7 people from the USA, Indiana, La Porte, led by brother Cornel Steph, President of the PIEI mission, arrived in Ukraine, in our Bukovina. they also brought us humanitarian aid (products) so that we could get this help to displaced people and poor people from our region.

We had a special program for this team, for every day, in all our villages of the Novoseletsky district, and in the city of Chernivtsi, to visit refugees from North-Eastern Ukraine in their homes where they temporarily live. The team was divided into 3 groups and within 5 days visited the refugees before lunch and after lunch. And in Martha's group, Sarah and Elizabeth organized a children's program from 15:00 to 17:00, where Sarah and Elizabeth worked with these children. They had 4 meetings with children from different villages in Bukovina: In Tarasovtsy, in Kotilevo, in Rokitne and in Novoselitsa. The children really liked this program. The children invited these sisters to come to us. Also sister Marta, a very energetic sister. She had a conversation with different refugees. waiting for some consolation in their troubles. They had different questions. Why, why and how should we go further? We talked with these people for a very long time. Sister Martha and Sarah, and Elizabeth helped us a lot. Also, pastors from these churches were with us and with the help of the Bible and the Holy Spirit we gave answers to these people. Together we prayed for them. We gave them packages with food and also gave everyone a book of the New Testament so that they themselves read and study the Word of God. Many of these refugees who were visited by us came to the meeting on Sunday. everyone was invited to our churches for Sunday service. One woman during our visits, repented, her name is Valentina. She also came to the church in Kotilevo on Sunday and went out in front of the church and wept that she could not repent earlier. Because the Lord blessed her with a good husband and beautiful 3 children, but she did not fulfill the will of the Lord and asked for forgiveness, with tears, from God. She prayed for her husband Fedor so that he would repent.

On Sunday, July 3, and in our church in the village of Nesvoya, our guests br. Kornel Stef, pastor Kevin Cram, sister Martha Hauch, Sarah Stef and Elizabeth Trowbridge also visited our church, where we had a wonderful fellowship around the Word of God .Our guests Brother Cornell and Pastor Kevin had sermons to instruct our church. There were also unbelievers in our service who listened attentively to the Word. We pray for them that the Holy Spirit will test their hearts and that they will repent.

Also in the afternoon we visited a church from the village of Fagadeu (Vancikauti), where we had an edifying ministry and preached pastor Kevin and brother Cornell. There were 3 unbelieving women and they really liked listening to the Word. They promised that they would come to the meeting.

On July 4, we met with the entire team from the USA in Novoselitsa, at the Emmanuel Church, where the pastor, missionary br. Popov Valery. All our missionaries with their families and a team of missionaries from the USA had a wonderful meeting there. They prayed that the Lord, through the Holy Spirit, would continue the work of awakening to repentance in the hearts of these people who heard the Word of God. Also, the missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission thanked our brothers and sisters from the US team, Indiana, for their visit to us. For their service and help in our ministry here in Ukraine. We had a beautiful table of love, and then we were divided into 3 groups. First a group of missionary brothers with brother Cornell, pastor Kevin and brother David, the second sister of the wife of our missionary brothers, together with sister Martha and sister Carola from the USA, and the third child and grandchildren of our missionary brothers where Sarah and Elizabeth studied with them. It was a blessed meeting and we are grateful to God and the team from the USA for all these days of fellowship that we had and for their ministry here between us.

On July 5 in the morning, we gathered again in Novoselitsa, and handed over our brothers and sisters from the USA in the hands of Almighty God and accompanied the team from the USA to the border with Romania. We are very grateful to God for helping them cross the border safely and they safely reached Alba Yuliya. We pray that they go safely to the USA and arrive safely each to their family. We believe that the Lord will help them in everything.

2. Gratitude.

We are very grateful to the Lord that He heard our prayers and blessed the brothers and sisters from the USA, blessed their arrival to us, their stay among us. Although we are very anxious because of this war. The Lord protected us all_Glory to Him for everything!

-We are grateful to the Lord for humanitarian aid which was brought by a team from the USA. We carried this help and continue to carry it to the refugees and the poor who live among us. We give gum. help and at the same time we bring them the Word of God that heals the hearts of the poor, tormented and sick people.

-Thank you for your support in our ministry here in Ukraine.

3. Prayer needs:

-Pray with us that the Lord bless this work done by the US team among our refugees and children. May the Lord bless and awaken all the hearts of these people and give repentance.

-Pray for our children's camps that will be in Tarasovtsy and Kotilev from July 11th.

-Pray for our Christian youth camp, Non Stop, mission PIEI Ukraine, which will be from August 1 to August 6. For the Lord to protect us all. God grant that it will continue to be quiet so that we calmly proclaim the Word of God to these children.

-Pray for the team from the USA, which will come to Ukraine on August 1, led by brother Cornel Steph, to participate with us in the program of our camp. Pray for the teachers and leaders. Pray that the Lord will protect the team from the USA on the way to us, during your stay with us and on your way back home.

-Pray that there will be repentance among the children in the Christian camp.

And we pray for you, brothers and sisters from the USA, that the Lord bless you all and always thank the Lord for you. May the Lord bless you and give you a hundredfold blessings!

With love to you, the Petikhachny family, Pavel and Larisa.