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Work with refugees

Greetings, dear brothers and sisters, with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ!

We thank Our Lord for the fact that in this difficult time for Ukraine, we, the missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission, are working in the field of God with full dedication.

1. Breaking bread:

-With God's help, I held communion services in 4 churches: Nesvoya, Forosna, Zhilovka and Podvirnoye. In these churches, they visited and the sick in their homes conducted mini evangelizations: they sang psalms, and preached the Word and made communion for these sick people. non-believers and we invited them to the House of Prayer.

2. Work with orphans:

-The boarding school for orphans from Orshivtsi asked us for help, and we, the PIEI Ukraine mission, helped these children with sweets and bought pop food for them, which these children love very much.

-Now we are preparing to help orphans from the orphanage from the city of Khotin. We ask the Lord to help us do this noble service for these orphans. We had long planned to serve the orphans from the city of Khotin, but the war prevented us. We have refugees who need help every day .Already, it seems to have calmed down a little with the refugees and we must fulfill our obligations, that is, what we promised the orphans from the boarding school in the city of Khotyn.

3. Work with refugees:

-We have a full city and region with refugees who have come to us, and we have refugees at home, and in our churches. We, the children of God, are trying to help them in any way we can, Thank God that humanitarian vehicles arrive with food and everything necessary for refugees to help and our churches are distributing this aid to these people. Our PIEI UKRAINE mission received 2 times this aid from Romania through the PIEI Romania mission, and now we are waiting for 3 humanitarian aid through this mission. We pray that everything will work out and our brothers from Romania will reach us safely.

-Bible lessons were held with adults, from refugees, and also Sunday school teachers conduct Bible classes with children. At such meetings, one person repented and two more people want to repent, praying for them.

This man has repented, his name is Denis, he is from the Kherson region. His wife went abroad with her children. And there she found a church and goes to this church there. She repented there and advised her husband to repent. him about Christ. Thank God for accepting Christ into his heart. He really wants the war to end soon so that they can be reunited with their family again. We pray for this family.

4. Prayer and fasting:

- We continue to pray with the churches from our region every day at 9 o’clock in the evening, and also fast for the Lord to help our Ukraine. To stop the war in Ukraine. Chernivtsi region? May we serve calmly on the Niva of the Lord without fear that there will be bombings in our city.

5. Thanksgiving:

- We are very grateful to God for you, dear brothers and sisters, who pray for us, for Ukraine, so that there will be peace in our country in the near future.

- We thank you and the brothers Romanians from the PIEI Ukraine mission for the 2 humanitarian convoys that we received from you and with this help we can help the refugees who settled with us, in our region.

-We are grateful to God that the missionary brothers of the PIEI Romania mission are preparing to translate the 3rd transport humanitarian convoy for Ukraine, for refugees, we pray that everything will turn out well.

5. Prayer needs:

-Keep praying with us to end the war in Ukraine.

-So that we, the missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission, do not get tired of doing good to the refugees and help them come to Christ.

-Pray that this month we will be able to help the orphans from the Khotinsky boarding school with everything they need.

-For those refugees who accepted Christ, so that the Lord would strengthen them in faith, and for those who have not yet accepted Christ, so that they hasten to repent today, because tomorrow may not come for some. Then they really can be late.

-For the Lord to continue to bless the Chernivtsi region with peace and tranquility, because we have a lot of refugees and they found shelter and care with us, and we, the children of God, found services for Christ by serving these people who need both salvation and financial assistance. May the Lord help us in this!

-For the Lord to bless me and my wife Larisa with health to serve the Lord.

We always pray for you, dear brothers and sisters, that the Lord bless you with health and peace and return you a hundredfold blessing for your sacrifice for Ukraine.

Be blessed!

With love to you, the Petikhachny family, Pavel and Larisa.