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Faith without works is dead

We greet you dear brothers and sisters with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I am grateful to the Lord for the fact that He helps us proclaim His Word in this difficult time for us - WAR in UKRAINE.

1. A few days ago we had a meeting of the missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission, where all our missionaries were present and at the same time the missionaries of the PIEI Romania mission, brother Stanya Timofey, director of the PIEI Romania mission, Mike Dima and two other brothers were at the meeting with us. We had good communication and they gave us good instructions on how to serve for Christ during the war. Mission PIEI Romania and misia PIEI America, collected a lot of humanitarian goods and food, and mattresses, and clothes and shampoo, laundry powder, toilet soap and much more that is needed for our refugees, so that we can help these people both by deed and by the Word of God. Apostle James says that faith without works is dead.

2. Our church from Nesvoi every evening from 9 to 10 pm has a prayer for Ukraine, for peace in Ukraine: God hear us! We are nobody without you.

3. Every day more and more people from the war zone come to the churches of the Novoseletsky district. All churches receive them with love and provide them with everything they need. All our missionaries have refugees in their churches who need help.

On Sunday, April 3, in all the churches of our Chernivtsi region, if God helps us, we will hold communions-Remember the Death and Suffering of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our Nesvoi church will hold communions in 3 churches, in Balkovtsy and in Podvirnoye - God help us to hold these services.

4. Thanksgiving:

We thank God for being with us during this difficult time.

-Thank you for praying for us and helping us, for the fact that you worry about us and this greatly encourages us.

5. Prayer needs:

-Pray for peace in Ukraine.

-So that we can serve everyone who came to us as refugees. So that we can serve everyone with preaching the Word of God, so that they would know God as their Personal Savior.

-For the Lord to stop the war in Ukraine, for the Lord to stop this evil!

We love you brothers and sisters very much and are grateful to God for you. We pray for you and wish the Lord to bless you and your families, your churches and your country.

With love to you, the Petikhachny family, Pavel and Larisa.